10 Enchanting Irish Wedding Vows for Your Fairytale Wedding

In a land where the culture is as rich and lush as its greenery, there is no shortage of romantic traditions in Ireland. Irish wedding vows are an exquisite mix of legend, lyricism, and love—all colored more magical by the country’s Celtic roots.

“In the same way our ancestors loved one another fiercely, I promise to love you with a boundless passion. Like the ocean, my love for you will be deep and fearless. Like the rocks of Ireland, my love for you will be enduring. I vow to cherish you for the rest of our lives, as constant as the rolling hills of our Emerald Isle,” is a stunning example of wedding vows from Ireland.

A list of Irish wedding vows is provided below. Some come from medieval times, thus having an ancient and regal tone. Some are more modern. However, all vows are romantic and heartfelt.

Magical Irish Wedding Vows: Blending Culture and Love


2. Irish Vow of Unity

We swear by peace and love to stand,

Heart to heart and hand to hand.

Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now,

Confirming this our Sacred Vow

3. “Scaffolding” by Seamus Heaney 

Masons, when they start upon a building,

Are careful to test out the scaffolding;

Make sure that planks won’t slip at busy points,

Secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints.

And yet all this comes down when the job’s done

Showing off walls of sure and solid stone.

So if, my dear, there sometimes seem to be

Old bridges breaking between you and me

Never fear. We may let the scaffolds fall

Confident that we have built our wall.

4. Just like lines in a Celtic knot, my love for you has no beginning or end. Today, I bind my life to yours. May this journey ahead of us be filled with laughter, love, and the wise guidance of our forebears. May our loved ones and ancestors from this land tirelessly guide us as we navigate through life.


6. I promise to love you through all our days. Like a pot of gold, I promise to keep you close to my heart. I promise to be by your side, in laughter and in tears, in rain and in sunshine, treasuring you the way you deserve.

7. In the same way our ancestors loved one another fiercely, I promise to love you with a boundless passion. Like the ocean, my love for you will be deep and fearless. Like the rocks of Ireland, my love for you will be enduring. I vow to cherish you for the rest of our lives, as constant as the rolling hills of our Emerald Isle.

8. With our union today, our lives are now forever intertwined just like a Celtic cross and its intricate patterns. I promise to honor our past, treasure our present, and eagerly anticipate our future and what it has in store for us.

9. [Partner’s name], I promise to take care of our bond, nurturing it the same way our land endlessly nurtures us. In front of our friends and families, I promise to love, respect, and honor you for the rest of our lives. With our ancient guardians as witnesses, let it be known that my commitment to you is eternal.


Final Thoughts

Writing vows infused with your culture is a fantastic way of honoring your roots and ancestry. Use the examples of Irish wedding vows above as inspiration to come up with romantic promises to the love of your life.