5 Christian Maid of Honor Speech Examples & Templates

Getting chosen as a maid of honor is a huge honor. You are significant to the bride-to-be, and she wants you to be there for her on her special day. Besides helping with wedding planning and calming her nerves, one of the most important tasks is to prepare a speech for the reception. 

Your Christian maid of honor speech can express any emotion and sentiment you have, such as gratitude, respect, love, support, and more. To help you write a maid of honor speech, Christian values included, below are five examples and templates you can use as a guide. 

Maid of Honor Speech: Christian Examples

bride and groom holding hands

1. Hey, everyone. I hope you’re all having a great time so far. For those of you who don’t know who I am, I’m Jessica, Fiona’s younger sister.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to come up with something to say in my maid of honor speech. There are a million things I’d love to say to you, but I’m not as good with words as Dane is.

Firstly, thank you for giving me the privilege of being your maid of honor. As young girls, we’ve been talking about marriage and dream weddings as far as I can remember. I’m so glad I get to have a significant role in making today as magical as it is.

Secondly, thank you for being such an awesome, caring, and loving older sister. I learned so much from you — how to make amazing omelets, thoroughly clean my room with the least effort, and love another person with your entire heart and soul.

Thirdly, I want you and Dane to remember that you have an entire community that loves and supports you. Our family, Dane’s family, your friends, and our church. Adjusting to this new chapter of your life might get rough, but you are not alone.

I’m not yet married, so I won’t try to give advice. However, I know you two have what it takes to weather all the roughest storms. As long as you keep God at the center of your relationship, your love will move mountains.    

I want to end this speech with my favorite Bible verse about love. According to Romans 13:8, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”

Thanks for listening, everyone. A toast to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop!

woman giving a speech during a wedding

2. Good evening, everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the dinner, which my lovely mother helped make. By the way, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Vanessa. I’m Lily’s older sister, best friend, and number one fan.

I’m sure all of you know how lovely, kind, and caring Lily is. As her older sister, I watched her organize tea parties with all her dolls, carry them in her arms, and coo at them until they “fall asleep.”

I remember Lily bringing home a cardboard box of kittens she found in an alley near our house. She was crying because she had stayed with the kittens for a few hours, hoping their owner would come back for them.

That’s the story of how we ended up with six cats at home, by the way. Mom hated them at first, but now they’re all inseparable.

Lily first introduced Ben to us when they were sophomores in college. They said they met in their Theology class, talked about their thoughts on religion, and bonded from there.

I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical about Ben at first. Not that there was anything wrong with him, or I thought he was a bad influence on my sister. Call it older sister protectiveness; I thought no one was good enough for my baby sister.

As I got to know Ben more, watching him try to impress dad and woo mom, I started to see the qualities Lily kept gushing to me about, like his good manners, his attentiveness to details, his devotion to God, and his passion for his interests.

Now, several years later, I cannot be happier to see you two together, standing in front of the Lord and affirming His will.

I do not doubt that you will become an amazing man and woman of Christ. As long as you keep Him as the true north of your relationship, everything will find its place.

My only advice to you, as a married woman myself, is to remember that you have to be okay with things not being perfect. You will have disagreements, challenges, and setbacks that might feel like there’s no coming back from them.

Know when to compromise. Know when to step away, give each other some space, and allow yourself to cool down. Always pray to God for guidance; if He can lead you to it, He can lead you through it.

Love you both! Here’s to a wonderful, lifelong partnership. Cheers!

woman raising her glass

3. Good evening, everyone. My name is Cathy, Allie’s younger sister. I hope everyone’s having a fantastic night so far. Allie, thank you for giving me the privilege of being your maid of honor.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write a “perfect” speech. I debated about whether I should make it short and funny, sentimental, or straight to the point. Good thing I drafted online, or else I would’ve scrapped so much paper.

But in the end, I remembered one of the things Allie would always tell me whenever I put too much pressure on myself: no one has to be perfect. As long as I put my heart into it, it will always be more than enough.

That should give you an idea of what Allie is like as an older sister. She knows how to tease you just enough to get you irritated but not hurt or angry. She knows when to give valuable advice, and she knows when to mess with you by giving awful advice.

To be honest, I kind of resented James when Allie first introduced him to us. Allie hung out less with me, stayed outside longer, and just had less time for me.

However, I noticed that my older sister would always come home with a massive smile on her face. She was less irritable, she was more patient, and she was just happier.

I started putting two and two together when James came over to our house more frequently. Allie laughed more, she made a lot more jokes, and I could tell that she felt safe talking about her passions and interests.

James, thank you for being my sister’s safe space. Thank you for loving my sister the way she deserves, and thank you for being there for her the way no one else can.

I’m not married, and I don’t know much about marriage, so I’m not really qualified to give relationship advice. For that, I’ll just share a wonderful verse about marriage I read the other day:

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.

Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone?

Ecclesiastes 4: 9–11. 

Everyone, let’s raise our glass and make a toast for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Miller-Cruz!

Templates for Maid of Honor Speech: Christian

portrait of a bride

4. [Greet the guests. Start your speech with a short introduction, as not everyone might recognize or know who you are.]

[You can thank the bride for giving you the opportunity to make a maid of honor speech — Christian values and all.]

[Share an anecdote about the bride. Use this story to tell everyone the qualities and characteristics you love about the bride.]

[You can also share an anecdote about the groom. Talk about first impressions, how you met him, and whatnot.]

[Talk about their relationship in general. Do you have distinct memories of them as a couple?]

[Share some advice if you have them. Otherwise, you can write your well-wishes in this part of your Christian maid of honor speech.]

[End your speech with a toast.]

bride and maid of honor looking at each other

5. [Start your Christian maid of honor speech by greeting the guests and quickly introducing yourself. Afterward, you can thank the rest of the bridal crew for their effort and hard work to help plan this wedding. If you want, you can also give a shoutout to vendors and other significant people.]

[Tell a story of what it was like to grow up with the bride. If you have an anecdote, you can share it here.]

[Talk about the time you first met the groom. What was he like? What did you think of him? Did you like him immediately, or did you need to be impressed first?]

[Describe the groom. What qualities made you like him? How and when did you realize that they are perfect for each other?]

[Share a Bible verse that you think applies to their relationship.]

[End your speech with a toast to the newlyweds.]  

Final Thoughts

Writing a Christian maid of honor speech — or any speech for that matter — can be intimidating. You might think that words are not your strongest suit. However, remember that ultimately, it is the thought that counts. Just be genuine with what you say.