12 Examples of Lesbian Wedding Vows to Inspire Your Own

There are not enough words to describe how momentous, magical, and emotional weddings are. Two people stand in front of their loved ones to make a statement, to solemnize their relationship. A significant part of any wedding is the vows the partners write for each other.

Wedding vows contain your promises to your partner for your future together. Thus, exchanging vows is a highly sentimental and touching moment. Below are 12 examples of lesbian wedding vows that can help you start writing your own.

Heartwarming Lesbian Wedding Vows

lesbian couple

1. Clarissa, I will never get tired of saying this: I appreciate you more than words can ever express.

We met at a time when things were rough for us. We were both in our mid-20s, trying to navigate life as young adults, and the world hasn’t been kind to people like us. I was a jaded and cynical woman struggling to get by.

That was until I met you. I know this sounds corny, but you felt like the first hint of sunshine after weeks of rain. At first, I didn’t understand how you were able to stay so happy and hopeful, but I grew to admire that quality of yours.

You taught me to see the good in people, watch for the silver linings, and never forget to trust my instincts. You showed me that everything has its place — and I know, with my whole heart, that I belong here with you.

Thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for allowing me to learn how to love you the way you deserve. Thank you for helping me find love for myself.

I promise to be honest with you, to grow together with you as individuals and as partners, to trust you, and to be there for you through thick or thin. I promise to be compassionate, patient, and supportive. I promise I will always strive to be the best person for you and myself for as long as we live.

woman kissing her girlfriend

2. I’m sure Gina knows this well, but I’m not great with words. My love languages are acts of service and physical touch. I tried to write something poetic, meaningful, and sentimental, but I struggled a lot.

Instead, I would like to read a poem by Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper, two lesbian life partners and poets. Let them beautifully put into words what I feel in my heart.

“It was deep April, and the morn

Shakespeare was born;

The world was on us, pressing sore;

My love and I took hands and swore,

Against the world, to be

Poets and lovers evermore

To laugh and dream on Lethe’s shore,

To sing to Charon in his boat,

Heartening the timid souls afloat;

Of judgement never to take heed,

But to those fast-locked souls to speed,

Who never from Apollo fled,

Who spent no hour among the dead;


With them to dwell,

Indifferent to heaven and hell.”

newlywed lesbian couple kissing each other

3. Kerry, you are my soulmate, confidante, life partner, and best friend. You have helped me realize that love does conquer everything.

It feels just like yesterday when we first met in college. We both didn’t know what the future held for us — we didn’t have the time to think of it! We were just trying to survive university one semester at a time.

I fell in love with you because of your kindness, wit, and cleverness. You are so beautiful inside and out.

From this day forward, I promise to stand by your side, love you, and cherish you through whatever life throws our way. Through thick and thin, ups and downs, it will be you and me against the world.

portrait of lesbian couple kissing

4. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” This is a quote from Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher.

I first heard it in a high school class, and at that time, I didn’t really know what love was. I thought the sentiment was nice, sure, but I had no way of confirming that for myself.

However, standing here in front of you, reciting my silly little lesbian wedding vow, having been in love with you for almost five years, I can say with 100% certainty that Lao Tzu is right. Exactly spot on.

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us, love. Whatever it is, I know we’ll get through it — you give me all the strength and courage I need.

lesbian couple with curly hair kissing

5. My parents always told me that love isn’t only an emotion but also a choice that you have to make every day. As a seven-year-old, I just nodded. I mean, I only wanted some ice cream, mom, can I have it now?

This phrase has always stuck with me. As I got older, I started to understand what my parents meant. Every time my friends and I fought, and my emotional side wanted to hold grudges and ignore them, my rational side would always repeat this phrase to me.

Now that I have you in my life, Michelle, I feel like I understand it completely. First of all, you’re an Aries, and I’m a Libra, so we’re basically astrologically predetermined to argue a lot. Sometimes, it’s endearing and amusing; at other times, it gets a bit frustrating.

Anytime it gets rough or draining, we have learned to step away from each other for a moment and catch our breath. This is one of the ways we love each other. We clear our minds, talk through our disagreements, then resolve whatever we fought about.

Because love is not just a feeling — it’s a choice, a commitment, to enjoy the highs, work through the lows, and stick to each other through everything. It would bring me the most joy to honor this commitment, and our relationship, for the rest of our lives.

6. Mandy, you are the straw to my berry, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the butterflies I feel in my belly. I would’ve loved to sing the entire song to you, but I can’t sing to save a life.

You’re the one for me, and I’m the one for you. I knew from the moment I first sent this song to you years ago that you’re the one I want to marry. My heart is so full today, to be standing in front of you and everyone I love, actually getting to marry the love of my life.

portrait of newlywed lesbian couple

7. Suzy, thank you for giving me the absolute honor to be your lifelong partner, confidante, and sidekick. I will never get tired of going on adventures with you, supporting you, and loving you in every way I know how.

I said everything I wanted to tell you in the letter you read earlier today, so I will end my vow with some lines from our favorite song: I Choose You by Sara Bareilles.

“There was a time when I would have believed them

If they told me, you could not come true, just love’s illusion

But then you found me and everything changed

And I believe in something again

My whole heart will be yours forever

This is a beautiful start to a lifelong love letter

Tell the world that we finally got it all right

I choose you

I will become yours and you will become mine

I choose you

I choose you.”

8. I, Sarah, take you, Laurie, to be my lawfully wedded spouse. I choose you for who you are, and I will love you regardless of who or what you become in the future.

I solemnly and wholeheartedly promise to listen to you with an open mind and an open heart. I promise to be your number one fan and supporter in everything you do. I promise to love you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives, no matter what.

lesbian couple in bed

9. I pledge to close the door to the bathroom from now on.

I pledge to try to stop buying books when I still have a pile of unread novels.

I vow to let you win in Mario Kart sometimes.

I vow to watch volleyball games with you even though I’d rather sleep at home.

I promise to always try my best to be the best version of myself for you.

I promise to love you and choose to love you for as long as I live.

10. In front of our friends, family, and fur babies, I choose you, Alison Turner, to be my partner in life. I solemnly promise to stick by you, to hold you, and to love you from this day forward, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to be loyal and honest, and to be the woman you need and deserve.

portrait of lesbian couple looking at each other

11. Someone once said, “You had to be willing to fight in order for a love story to last a lifetime.”

Diane Cruz-Simmons, I, Julie Cruz-Simmons, promise to untiringly fight for us every day. I will stand by you through thick and thin for the rest of our lives.

In this heteronormative, patriarchal world that does not want to acknowledge that our love is valid and beautiful, let my lesbian wedding vow be a promise to be strong and show the world that we’re here.

12. Growing up in a conservative family, love was such a foreign concept to me. I was taught that my identity is invalid and sinful and that I will never be accepted by the world.

Over the years, I have learned that family does not always refer to blood relations. I had to lose some people, but, in the process, I have gained a loving partner and lifelong friends who know my worth, recognize who I am, and love me unconditionally.

I am so lucky to have the privilege to call myself your partner, your best friend, and your soulmate. From this day forward, I promise to love, honor, and cherish you in all the ways you deserve.