Spanish Wedding Vows: 12 Romantic Examples for Your Special Day

Spanish is considered one of the most beautiful, passionate, and romantic languages in the world. Coming up with wedding vows in Spanish will lead to an unparalleled depth of emotion as you pay homage to your heritage.

An example of a Spanish wedding vow is, “En este día especial, prometo amarte, respetarte y apoyarte en los buenos y malos momentos. Juro estar a tu lado en la salud y en la enfermedad, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, prometiendo siempre ser tu fiel (compañero/compañera) de vida.”

Below are 12 heartwarming examples of Spanish wedding vows that can inspire you as you write your own vows for your special day.

Spanish Wedding Vows: Examples That Will Melt Your Heart

couple in wedding attire holding hands exchanging spanish wedding vows with view of hills

  1. Officiant: (Groom’s name), tomas tu a Novia (bride’s name) como tu esposa, prometes amarla, respetarla, protejerla abandonando a todo y dedicandote solo a ella?

Groom: ¡Si!

Officiant: (Bride’s name), tomas tu a Novio (groom’s name) como tu esposo, prometes amarlo, respetarlo, protejerlo abandonando a todo y dedicandote solo a el?

Bride: ¡Si!

English translation:

Officiant: (Groom’s name), do you take (bride’s name) to be your wife, to love her, respect her, and protect her, abandoning all others and dedicating yourself only to her?

Groom: I do.

Officiant: (Bride’s name), do you take (groom’s name) to be your husband, to love her, respect her, and protect her, abandoning all others and dedicating yourself only to her?

Bride: I do.

(from Seiyaku)


  1. En este día especial, prometo amarte, respetarte y apoyarte en los buenos y malos momentos. Juro estar a tu lado en la salud y en la enfermedad, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, prometiendo siempre ser tu fiel (compañero/compañera) de vida.

English translation:

On this special day, I promise to love you, respect you, and support you through good and bad times. I promise to stand by your side in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, always promising to be your faithful life partner.



  1. Te elijo a ti, hoy y siempre, para ser mi (esposo/esposa), mi (amigo/amiga), mi amor. Prometo escucharte, aprender de ti, y crecer contigo a lo largo de nuestra vida juntos. Este es mi compromiso sagrado contigo.

English translation:

I choose you, today and forever, to be my spouse, my friend, and my love. I promise to listen to you, learn from you, and grow with you throughout our life together. This is my sacred commitment to you.


English translation:

I will always love you,

Whatever you say,

Whatever you do,

Whatever you suffer,

Whatever hurts,

Whatever happens,

Either way,

Near or far,

I will always love you.

(from ActitudFem)


  1. Ante nuestros amigos y familiares, me comprometo a ser tu (compañero/compañera) leal, tu confidente y tu mayor apoyo. Prometo respetarte como individuo y celebrar contigo nuestras diferencias, así como nuestras similitudes, todos los días de nuestra vida.

English translation:

In front of our friends and family, I promise to be your loyal companion, your confidant, and your greatest support. I promise to respect you as an individual and celebrate our differences, as well as our similarities, every day of our lives.


  1. Me comprometo a construir contigo una vida llena de risas, amor y felicidad. Prometo ser tu apoyo en los momentos difíciles y tu alegría en los momentos felices, siendo siempre fiel y (dedicado/dedicada) a nuestro amor y a nuestra vida juntos.

English translation:

I am committed to building with you a life full of laughter, love, and happiness. I promise to be your support in difficult times and your joy in happy moments, always being faithful and dedicated to our love and our life together.


  1. Así como este anillo rodea tu dedo… a partir de este momento… de igual forma mi amor te rodeará para siempre… Nunca caminarás en soledad… Mi corazón será tu refugio… Mis brazos serán tu hogar… Caminaremos por la vida como pareja y mejores amigos…

Prometo hacer todo lo posible para amarte, apreciarte y aceptarte… tal como eres… Te doy mi corazón hasta el final de los tiempos… No tengo mayor regalo para dar. Prometo amarte y cuidarte siempre, mi mayor amor y acompañante.

English translation:

As this ring encircles your finger, from this moment forward, so will my love forever encircle you. You will never walk alone. My heart will be your shelter. My arms will be your home. We will walk through life as partners and best friends…

I promise to do my best to love, cherish, and accept you just the way you are. I give you my heart until the end of time. I have no greater gift to give. I promise to love and cherish you always, and my greatest love and companion.

(from Jessica Levey | The American Marriage Ministries) 


English translation:

I chose to love you…

I chose your smiles, I chose your smell as my favorite aroma. I chose your kisses, I also chose your voice and your hugs. I chose that I didn’t want other hands holding onto mine; I chose our month and our day of the year, I chose that you were my madness and my sanity.

I also chose to spend every moment with you and give you everything I had. I chose to stay with your quirks and defects, I chose to melt only with your caresses.

Above all, I chose you and I would do it again a thousand times, and I even know that I will never regret it. You are the best thing that could have happened to me, and I thank you for being with me every day.


  1. Te prometo respetarte, honrarte y amarte, no solo como mi (esposo/esposa), sino como mi mejor (amigo/amiga). Juntos enfrentaremos lo que la vida nos depare, creciendo y aprendiendo cada día, fortaleciendo nuestro amor con cada desafío que superemos.

English translation:

I promise to respect you, honor you, and love you, not only as my husband/wife but as my best friend. Together, we will face whatever life throws at us, growing and learning every day, strengthening our love with every challenge we overcome.


  1. Amados, amémonos unos a otros; porque el amor es de Dios. Todo aquel que ama, es nacido de Dios, y conoce a Dios. El que no ama, no ha conocido a Dios; porque Dios es amor. 

Amados, si Dios nos ha amado así, debemos también nosotros amarnos unos a otros. Nadie ha visto jamás a Dios. Si nos amamos unos a otros, Dios permanece en nosotros, y su amor se ha perfeccionado en nosotros. 

En el amor no hay temor, sino que el perfecto amor echa fuera el temor; porque el temor lleva en sí castigo. De donde el que teme, no ha sido perfeccionado en el amor. Nosotros le amamos a él, porque él nos amó primero. 

English translation: 

Beloved, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

Beloved, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us. 

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us. 

(from the Bible, 1 John 4:7–8, 11–12, 18–19)


  1. En este día tan especial, me entrego a ti con todo mi corazón. Prometo ser tu (compañero/compañera) fiel, tu consuelo en la tristeza, tu alegría en la felicidad, y tu amor incondicional en todos los días de nuestra vida.

English translation:

I give myself to you on this very special day with all my heart. I promise to be your faithful companion, your comfort in sadness, your joy in happiness, and your unconditional love every day of our lives.


  1. A partir de este momento, prometo ser tu (compañero/compañera) en la vida, compartir tus sueños y apoyarte en la consecución de los mismos. Me comprometo a ser (honesto/honesta) contigo, cuidarte y protegerte, y a amarte con todo mi ser por el resto de mis días.

English translation:

From this moment on, I promise to be your companion in life, to share your dreams, and to support you in achieving them. I commit to being honest with you, caring for and protecting you, and loving you with all my being for the rest of my days.

Essential Tips for Exchanging Spanish Wedding Vows

flatlay of printed vows and props

Think About Translation

At a bilingual or multilingual ceremony, not everyone will understand Spanish wedding vows. You must think about how your non-Spanish-speaking guests will get to understand the beauty and sincerity of your vows.

One option is to have someone translate your vow as you recite each line. This can be the officiant, a professional translator, or someone you picked for this task. This option might make your ceremony a little longer, but it is more inclusive and requires less technology.

Another option is to provide headsets for guests who do not understand Spanish. The translator will recite your vows—and other non-English parts of your ceremony—in English as the exchange occurs.

Hire an Officiant Who Can Speak Spanish

Having an officiant who is fluent in Spanish and English will make for a more seamless experience at your ceremony. With their skill, transitions between the two languages will not feel awkward or rushed.

More than that, a celebrant who speaks Spanish can help you work on your wedding vows if you need help with them.

Ask for Help From Other Spanish Speakers

There is no shame in asking someone for help if you do not feel confident in your Spanish-speaking abilities. A native speaker can give you tips on pronunciation, enunciation, non-verbal communication, and more. They can also spot any grammatical errors, as Spanish grammar can get quite complicated.

Practice Extensively

Again, if Spanish is not your first language, you should practice speaking your vows as much as possible. Get yourself comfortable with the way your Spanish wedding vows roll off your tongue. Acknowledge the feedback you receive and strive to be better.

Practicing a lot can also help you psychologically, as it can give you confidence on your big day. It will be helpful to practice in front of other people; it can make you feel more at ease with speaking a second language to a crowd.

Find Other Ways to Incorporate Spanish Culture   

Since you are already exchanging Spanish wedding vows, why not lean into your heritage more and find other ways to highlight the culture?  

Spain has a rich history and culture with an enchanting tapestry of wedding traditions and ceremonies that you can incorporate into your wedding. The same can be said for other countries with Hispanic influences, like Costa Rica and Guatemala.    

You can also look toward media and literature in Spanish to inspire your wedding vows and script. Use these songs, quotes, and books to further enrich your ceremony. 

Final Thoughts

Around the world, the Spanish language is often described as rhythmic and melodic. Deciding to exchange wedding vows in Spanish is a beautiful way to honor your roots and enrich your special day, making it a celebration of love that transcends language and cultural barriers.