15 Bridal Shower Prayers and Blessings for the Special Party

Prayers are one of our main means of communication with God. We utter prayers in times of joy, sadness, fear, need, and other emotions we may feel. Such prayers are especially heartfelt during occasions like bridal showers where prayers for the bride to be are recited.

Bridal shower prayers are dedicated to the bride-to-be and her upcoming life as a married woman. In general, the person who comes up with the prayer will ask God for everything that they think the bride will need in the future. This includes support, guidance, blessings, happiness, good health, and so on.

Below are 15 examples of prayers and blessings you can use or adapt for your bridal shower. Brief instructions for writing a prayer are given afterward.

Prayers and Blessings for Your Bridal Shower

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1. Almighty God, we praise You and glorify You. We thank You for letting us safely gather here today for (bride)’s bridal shower. We are endlessly grateful for Your gracious will that brought (bride) and (partner) together in love and faith. We thank You for their parents, (names of couple’s parents), who have raised them to be God-fearing, kind, and incredible people. May You be with us today so that the bridal shower goes well. In God’s mighty name we pray, Amen.

2. Benevolent God, by Your grace and power, we are gathered here today to celebrate and honor (bride). We pray that You always guide (bride) to do the right thing, find strength in her faith, and be kind to others. May You bless (bride) and (partner)’s union with happiness, fortune, and resilience. Amen.

3. In our loving God’s name, we first and foremost thank You for gathering us here today for (bride)’s bridal shower. We recognize the sanctity and importance of the Sacrament of Marriage, and we hereby thank You for guiding (bride) and (partner) as they plan their ceremony. Likewise, thank You for providing them with a tight-knit support system, who had helped them organize pre-wedding events, such as today’s shower. We pray for the success of today’s shower, and may it be filled with glee, camaraderie, and faith.

4. Blessing of the Bridesmaids (from ConnectUS)

“Loving Lord, we thank You for each of these exquisite young women who have unselfishly given of themselves to help (bride) prepare for her wedding to (partner). We thank You for the work they put into preparing this shower as an expression of love for (bride). Shower them with blessings, we pray, for their sacrificial love in being a part of this wedding. And now we give thanks for all who are here with us today and ask Your blessing over our gathering. Amen.”

5. Dear God, thank You for providing each of us with love for our neighbors, which we will then shower (bride) with on her special day today. It is this love that moves us to be by (bride)’s side as she enters this new chapter of her life. We pray that (bride) and (partner)’s love for each other only grows stronger over time. May You bless their love with good fortune, a happy home, and healthy children. In the Lord’s mighty name we pray, Amen.

6. God of Peace and Grace, we are united here today in Your most holy presence to show our love and excitement for (bride) as her wedding with (partner) approaches. We give special thanks to the hosts of today’s bridal shower, (name of host/s), for their tireless support and effort. This is truly a labor of love. May the activities today go smoothly and according to plan. May You bless everyone here today with joy and fortune.

7. Prayer for a Bridal Shower Luncheon (from Prayerist)

“Lord, we thank you for the blessing of friendship and family. We thank you for love and for the special occasion that has brought us here. Thank you for the soul mate (bride) has discovered in the face of (partner). May they always be happy, supportive to each other and in love. Lord, please protect them and help them overcome life’s obstacles. Keep (bride) and (partner) healthy and strong. Give them the wisdom to accept and love each other and to create a happy family. Thank you, Lord, for this special celebration we are sharing with friends and loved ones. Please Lord, stay in our hearts and light our way. Amen.”

blonde woman praying

8. Dear Lord, may You shower (bride) with blessings and good fortune. May her mind and body always be healthy. May her heart be always full of love for herself and for others. We pray for everyone’s safety every day, especially on her special day in (schedule of the wedding). May You watch over everyone’s travels and keep us far from any harm. We pray that (bride) and (partner)’s wedding ceremony will go smoothly and that it will be the start of a flourishing marriage. In Your mighty name, we pray, Amen.

9. Join me in praying for a special blessing for our beloved (bride). Dear God, ever-loving and ever gracious, on behalf of everyone gathered here today, I praise You and glorify You. May You bless her with strength, patience, and wisdom. May You bless her and (partner)’s union with peace, harmony, and respect. May You give them happy and healthy children, and may You give them a bountiful life. I thank You for everything you have done for us, and we are ever grateful for your kind will. Amen.

10. Heavenly Father, we ask that You guide (bride) and (partner) as they prepare for the beginning of their married life. May You constantly reside in their heart of hearts, fill them with untiring and unconditional love for themselves, each other, and those around them. May You assist them as they adjust to this new chapter in their lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. May You provide them with protection, wisdom, and confidence. And, in time, may You graciously provide them with healthy and loving children. All this we pray in the mighty name of the Lord, Amen.

11. Prayer for the Bride-to-Be (from Prayerist)

“God, thank You for a wonderful meal and let it be nurturing for our bodies. Please bless this beautiful bride. I pray that her mind, body, and soul are drenched in love, health, and wealth. Please watch over the couple’s families in their travels to the wedding. We pray for safety in everyone’s travels. We pray for a beautiful glorious wedding that the bride and partner will cherish for a lifetime. And most of all we pray for a loving and prosperous marriage for this beautiful couple. We give you the honor and the glory. Amen.”

12. Dear God, we thank You first and foremost for the blessing that is our families and friends. Thank you for keeping them safe and healthy, allowing them to attend (bride)’s bridal shower, and show her endless love and excitement. We thank You for surrounding (bride) with such a lovely and diligent group of bridesmaids, who helped organize today’s event and activities. May our hearts always be filled with love, faith, and trust in Your plan. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, Amen.

13. It is with delight and honor that I pray for our dear (bride), whose marriage to (partner) will be solemnized on (schedule of the wedding). Dear God, we are eternally grateful for Your divine will and mercy. We ask that You bless the food, dessert, and drinks to be served today. We ask that You constantly keep the couple, their friends, and families safe from bodily, emotional, and spiritual harm. We pray that (bride) and (partner)’s commitment is filled with mirth, good health, and love. Once again, we thank You for Your unwavering and unconditional kindness. Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

14. Being close friends with (bride) and (partner) for many years now, I can truly say that they are perfect for each other; they are kind, respectful, and patient with one another. They are soul mates in every sense of the word. With this, I pray to our almighty Father that their love only grows and strengthens as they get married. May their wedding ceremony run smoothly and lead to a healthy, happy, and prosperous marriage. I pray that they keep God in their hearts, and the center of their relationship. In God’s holy name, we pray, Amen.

15. Let us all remember that we are in the holy presence of the Lord. Almighty Father, we are endlessly indebted to Your kindness. We thank You for letting us gather here today, in (bride)’s bridal shower, safely and happily. May everyone constantly be in good health and wealth, and may we always keep God in the center of our lives. We pray that You bless the food, vendors, bridal party, guests, staff, and everyone involved. May this marriage be the start of a lifelong adventure. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

How to Write a Prayer and Blessing for a Bridal Shower

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Who Says the Prayer in a Bridal Shower?

Typically, the host of the bridal shower is the one to say a prayer. The responsibility of hosting usually falls under the maid of honor. However, she or the bride may opt to have someone else lead the prayer. This can be the bride’s parents, close relatives, friends, or anyone willing to do so.

Write From the Heart and Soul

Prayers are a way to ask God for support and guidance. In writing a prayer for the bride-to-be, you must reflect on what you wish to say. In the context of a bridal shower, think about what blessings and wishes you have for the bride as she prepares for marriage.

If you find that constructing a prayer for bridal shower is challenging, feel free to use any of the examples listed above. You may also use them as a reference as you try to draft a blessing for a bridal shower.

What to Include in the Bridal Shower Prayer

As a whole, bridal showers are focused on the bride-to-be. As mentioned above, prayers and blessings for a bridal shower contain everything you want the bride to have in her married life. Here are some examples of what you can include:

  • Thank God for everything He has done.
  • Bless the guests, friends, and families of the couple.
  • Bless the food.
  • Pray for a smooth wedding ceremony.
  • Pray for the holistic wellness of the couple and their guests.
  • Pray for their marriage to be healthy, strong, and God-centered.
  • Pray for protection and guidance from God.

Prayers for a bride-to-be are deeply personal to those writing one. There are no strict rules or guidelines you have to follow when creating a prayer; you do not have to include everything in the list above. To reiterate, you need to reflect on what you want to pray for. Only then will you know what to ask God for.