How to Write Maid of Honor Speech for Sister (With Examples)

Being a maid of honor comes with a lot of duties and responsibilities; you have to help the bride with many aspects of wedding planning. However, it is also extremely rewarding; you get to be with the bride on her most special day—you might even get to make her cry with your speech.

Writing anything, be it a speech or a letter, can be a challenging task. Here is a step-by-step guide to help make the process a little easier:

  1. Reflect on your sisterhood
  2. Create an outline
  3. Start drafting the speech
  4. Revise your first draft
  5. Ask for insights and feedback
  6. Make the final revisions
  7. Prepare for the big day

Each step is discussed more specifically below, including a detailed outline of a maid of honor speech for your sister. Tips are also given. Lastly, examples are provided to give you an idea of what a typical speech looks like. 

Writing a Maid of Honor Speech for Your Sister: Step-by-Step Guide

women wearing white dresses in a field holding bouquets of flowers

Step 1: Reflect on Your Sisterhood

If your sister chose you as her maid of honor, it means she treasures your close bond. Look back on the past years and see how your relationship has evolved. Likewise, reflect on your and your sister’s personalities and your growth over the years.

You may want to narrow down specific stories, especially those that can highlight your relationship, personality, and growth. These anecdotes can add humor or sincerity to your speech as a maid of honor

Step 2: Create an Outline

Preparing an outline for a maid of honor speech for your sister can help you organize your thoughts, ultimately making writing easier. Here is an example of a structure, though you are free to customize it however you want:

  • Introduction
    • Greet your guests briefly.
    • If you want, you can thank the vendors and other bridal party members for their hard work.
    • Introduce yourself and your relationship with the bride.
  • Share an anecdote about your sister
    • Share a memory you have with your sister. You can be funny, lighthearted, or serious.
    • Highlight her qualities, quirks, and everything that you love about her.
  • Reflect on your sisterly bond
    • Reflect on what it means to be a sister.
    • To transition to the next item on the outline, mention any significant milestones or turning points in your relationship.
  • Talk about your sister’s partner
    • Describe how you two first met and what was your first impression of them.
    • Recall a memorable interaction or story that shows their relationship.
    • You can also share how you grew to like and trust your sister’s partner.
  • Share observations on the couple and their relationship
    • Discuss how they complement each other.
    • Highlight any positive changes you have seen in your sister and her partner over the years.
  • Share your well-wishes
    • Offer your heartfelt well-wishes for the future.
    • If you have any piece of marriage advice, you can add them here.
  • Conclusion
    • End your maid of honor speech for your sister with a toast to the newlyweds. Encourage everyone to raise their glass or clink it in celebration.

Step 3: Start Drafting the Speech

Once your outline is ready, you can begin with the speech itself. Just write whatever comes to mind, and do not worry about the technicalities like grammar and length. Focus on putting down into words everything you want to express.

Step 4: Revise your First Draft

After finishing your first draft, you should start revising what you wrote. On the technical side, this means fixing any grammatical errors, rewriting any awkward phrases, and rearranging some parts to improve the speech’s flow.

As you read through your speech over and over again, you should also start imagining how you will deliver it. Try giving the speech to yourself and determine the tone, rhythm, and speed that works best. Mark down the places where you should pause to catch your breath (or wait for applause).

Step 5: Ask for Insights and Feedback

Approach someone you trust—such as other bridal party members—and ask them to listen to your speech. By this point, you should have practiced your delivery a few times.

Give your speech to your test audience. Be open and responsive to constructive criticism. Moreover, observe their reactions and see if you need to change anything in the tone or pace of your delivery.

Step 6: Make the Final Revisions

Given the feedback you received from your test audience and any personal changes you see necessary, it is time to make the final revisions. Remove anything that feels unnatural or forced, and go through the text to ensure that you did not miss any grammatical errors.

Step 7: Prepare for the Big Day

Print a copy of your maid of honor speech for your sister. Although you can try to memorize the entire speech or write down key points, having a backup is a great idea—things can get emotional, after all, and you might forget what you practiced.

Moreover, keep in mind any positive coping strategies for anxiety. Some breathing techniques can help you manage your nerves.

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech for Sister: Tips

woman writing in her notebook

Add Personal Touches

You can make your speech as your sister’s maid of honor more unique by adding personal touches, such as lines from a song, a movie, or a book that you both love. If she has iconic catchphrases, you can incorporate that, too.

Keep It Short

A great speech—regardless of who is giving it—is not too long to bore listeners and not too short to feel rushed or incomplete. For your maid of honor speech, aim for 4–6 minutes. Any more than that and you risk losing your guests’ attention

Keep It Light

The reception is no occasion to air out any family laundry. If you have unresolved tension with your sister or other relatives, keep it out of your speech and talk about it another time—preferably somewhere more private.

Find the Balance

In the same vein, try to find the right balance between humor and sincerity. This is a maid of honor speech, not a stand-up comedy set. Juxtapose emotional depth with lightheartedness; this will get your guests invested in this journey with you.

Identify Key Themes

If you are struggling with writing a cohesive maid of honor speech for your sister, it might help if you identify 2–3 key themes and center your speech around those.

You can focus on things like your sister’s strength, resilience, humor, kindness, intelligence, and so on.

Think about how these themes have played out in her life and her relationship. The anecdotes you will incorporate must show these themes one way or another.

Maid of Honor Speech for Sister: Lovely Examples

guests raising their glass of bubbly

Humorous and Quirky Maid of Honor Speech for Sister

To all our family and friends,

Good evening! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Alissa, the proud and slightly teary-eyed maid of honor and, more importantly, Denise’s younger sister.

First of all, can we take a moment to appreciate how gorgeous and stunning Denise looks today? Huh? What about Tom? I mean, you’re not too bad yourself!

Growing up with Denise was kinda like living in a reality show—you can’t change the channel, so you just have to look at the second camera every time someone says something stupid.

I saw every side of her: the dramatic, the hilarious, and the extraordinarily compassionate. Like the time she spent hours consoling me after I lost my doll, or when she sold lemonade and old clothes just to raise funds for our local animal shelter.

All this to say, she’s always been my role model, even when she wore those questionable neon braces in high school. The journey to get where we are today has been surreal. We’ve shared secrets, clothes (sometimes without asking), and countless laughs.

Denise, you’ve always been my anchor, my confidant, and on rare occasions, my partner in crime. Remember that time when we “borrowed” Dad’s car for a joyride at midnight and swore never to speak of it again? Oh, oops. Sorry, dad.

When Tom and Denise first got together, I saw and felt a change in her. I don’t know how else to describe it, other than someone turning up the brightness—and volume—of her soul. Tom, your kindness, patience, and outstanding ability to deal with all of Denise’s hyper-fixations make you the perfect match for my sister. Her soulmate, even.

Together, you two are an unstoppable team. Whether it’s your epic karaoke duets, adventurous travels, or hours of just lying down and simply binge-watching a series while sharing dessert—you two are the perfect fit.

So, here’s to love, laughter, and a lifetime of stealing each other’s fries and pretending you didn’t. Denise and Tom Stalzer, may your life be filled with moments as beautiful and precious as the vows you shared today.

Everyone, please raise your glass in honor of the newlyweds!

Short and Sweet Maid of Honor Speech for Your Sister

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a blast tonight.

I’m Trina, the incredibly proud sister and maid of honor of our gorgeous bride, Kim. Watching her exchange vows with Mario, the dapper groom, is truly a joy.

Kim, you’ve always been my player two in everything. You always beat me at Scrabble, but you could never one-up me in chess. However, my favorite game will forever be our roleplays; remember when we’d play ‘wedding’ in our backyard? I’m so emotional standing here, in your actual wedding, getting to celebrate your love.

When you met Mario, I saw a happiness in your eyes that was never there before. Mario, thank you for bringing that joy into her life and keeping my sister’s soul bright. Thank you for loving her so fiercely and unwaveringly. Because of that, we officially welcome you to our family.

This is only the beginning of the biggest journey of your life so far. If it’s anything like the adventures you’ve already had, I’m sure it will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Everyone, raise your glass and toast to love, laughter, and a happy ever after! Mr. and Mrs. Carter, may the future be as sweet, romantic, and elegant as this day.


Final Thoughts

The thought of writing a speech, revising it, and then delivering it in front of an audience is understandably intimidating. However, with the right tools and tips, you can breeze through the process and create a unique speech as your sister’s maid of honor.

If nothing else, make sure that you write the speech authentically and sincerely. As long as you put your heart and soul into it, everything will turn out okay. Just make sure to place tissues for your sister nearby—she might erupt into tears because of your words.