Letter to In-Laws on Wedding Day (7 Examples & Templates)

People rightly say that a wedding is not only a union of two individuals but also of two families. Before that, the time you spend dating your partner is also a time to get to know your in-laws and build a healthy relationship with them.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have supportive in-laws. Some even face opposition with regard to their relationships.

If you are among those fortunate enough to have a great relationship with your partner’s parents, consider writing a letter to your in-laws on your wedding day. This will let you freely express your love and gratitude for them.

Below are seven examples of letters and templates to help guide you in writing your own letters.

Letter to In-Laws on Wedding Day: Heartfelt Examples

emotional parents at a wedding

1. Dear Robert and Jessie,

Before the rest of our lives begin, I wanted to sit down and reflect on the journey that has led me here. I’ve heard so many horror stories about in-laws not approving of relationships, and I’m so grateful that I had the opposite experience—I have nothing but gratefulness and appreciation in my heart for you two.

First of all, thank you for raising Justin the way you have; his heart is full of unwavering empathy, compassion, and respect. He is so gentle and supportive in everything I do, and he is always my biggest fan. It speaks to a lifetime of care and love from parents who only wanted the best for him.

More than that, thank you for showing me nothing but kindness and love all this time. Even when Justin and I were still dating, you welcomed me with open arms, fed me delicious meals, and allowed me to get to know the wonderful son you’ve raised.

I understand that in marrying Justin, our two families also unite into one community. I cannot be any happier to have you by my side as we embark on this journey. Thank you, truly, for the privilege of calling you my in-laws.

I promise to take care of your son as he untiringly cares for me, to show him the love he deserves, and to be by his side as we both work on reaching our dreams.

With all my love and gratitude,


2. Dear Jane and Bob,

It is 9:30 a.m. on June 19, 2023, and Liam and I are having breakfast in our suite here at Tulum. In a few hours, we will walk down the aisle and into the next great adventure of our lives. Before then, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my life before marriage.

I remember meeting both of you for the first time a few years ago. You served one hell of a Thanksgiving dinner, and you made me feel so at home even if you’ve only known me as Liam’s girlfriend for a few hours. You showed me so much love right then, and I won’t ever forget that.

The best part of all: You didn’t ask me if I dig dinosaur bones as an archaeology major (Just kidding. Our hours-long conversation about Liam’s childhood was truly the best part of that night.)

Thank you for being the kind of parents that you are. I know that who Liam is today—endlessly kind, constantly understanding, and unwaveringly patient—is all because you gave him all of these things as he grew up. I promise you that once we start our family, we’ll follow your example and make sure they grow up in a loving and safe environment.

What a beautiful family to become part of, I think to myself. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms into your home, and I hope we’ve made you feel just as welcome and appreciated in our home.

After today, we’ll be one big community. That’s one of the most exciting parts of this all.

I can’t wait to see you today at the ceremony! I hope you enjoy the food, the music, the views, and everything in between.

With all my love,


3. Dear Karen and Samuel,

Today, I get to marry your daughter; she is my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. Before the biggest adventure of our life starts, I want to spend some time reflecting on my emotions and how to say thank you for everything that you’ve done for us.

Jenny reminisces about her childhood a lot. Why shouldn’t she, when she had the best, most attentive, and most supportive parents? Even though I know that’s impossible, I can tell that you did your best with what you have. That’s more than enough.

She is the Jenny we are blessed to have today because of your love, care, and patience. Every single day, I find myself grateful for the love, care, and patience she tirelessly shows me. Because of you two, she is strong, resilient, and resourceful—giving up simply isn’t a thought that occurs to her, and I admire her so much for that.

Thank you for deeming me worthy to become part of the loving family you’ve built. Most of all, thank you for trusting me—it means the world. 

I promise to show her nothing less than the love she deserves. I promise to be her number one fan and support her as she achieves her dreams one by one. Most of all, I promise to stay by her side through everything the world throws at us.

I carry in my heart all your advice and treasure them, just as much as I cherish our memories.

Here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter.



4. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harding,

While I wait for my ceremony to start—already wearing my wedding dress and all—I want to spend a moment in quiet reflection.

I’ve been told multiple times that marriage is also between two families. To be frank, I was intimidated by this at first; I have some friends who did not exactly have the best experience with their in-laws.

However, Laurie and Simon, you are some of the kindest, most compassionate, and most empathetic people I have ever met. (Do I have your permission to brag about you guys? Please say yes.)

Simon, I see so much of Taylor in you. Your infectious laugh and humor never fail to lighten up the room, and I can tell how much you care for the people around you through your acts of service.

Laurie, you continuously show me what it means to be strong and graceful at the same time. What I wouldn’t do to have even half the composure and steadfastness you have.

Although I am extremely happy to be tying the knot with Taylor, I cannot deny that I’m nervous about the future and what’s to come. However, I am comforted by the fact that we have you and my parents as our role models. We couldn’t have asked for anyone better.  

Thank you for everything—if I try to name everything I’m thankful for, I wouldn’t have any space left. I can’t wait for what married life has to offer for Taylor and me, and my heart is full knowing that you’ll be there on our journey with us.

Lovingly yours,


Easy Templates for Letter to In-Laws on Wedding Day

the word love written on paper with a fountain pen

5. Dear (first names of in-laws),

(Talk about how thrilled and honored you are to officially become part of their family.) From the time we first met, I felt welcomed with open arms. Even when (your partner’s name) and I were just dating all those years ago, you have already treated me like one of your own. I am incredibly grateful.

(Talk about your vows; what do you promise to do to, for, and with your partner moving forward?) (He/she/they) (is/are) an amazing partner—kind, thoughtful, and loving. I feel so lucky to be (his/her/their) (husband/wife/spouse). Thank you for raising such an incredible person.

I look forward to creating memories to cherish for a lifetime as an official part of your family. In the years to come, I pray that our bond only flourishes and strengthens.

On (your partner’s name) and I’s special day, I want you to know how appreciative I am for everything you’ve done for (partner’s name) and me. How grateful we are for you. We are so blessed to have your love and support.

With all my love,

(Your name)

6. Dear Mr. and Mrs. (in-laws’ last name)

As I prepare to enter this chapter of my life, I wanted to write this letter for you because (why are you reflecting and writing a letter for your in-laws on your wedding?).

Thank you for raising (partner’s name) the way that you did. (Describe your spouse’s characteristics). Every story, memory, and moment I’ve shared with (partner’s name) really shows how wonderfully they were brought up. I can only imagine how much love (partner’s name) had growing up.

People say that when two people get married, they do not just form a union with each other but with their families as well. It is a privilege to join a family as (adjectives to describe their family). as yours. (Describe how they made you feel welcome to the family).

(Express your excitement about officially becoming part of their family). (Share your promises about how you will treat your partner. Show your commitment to their child. You can also share your plans for the future and how your in-laws are included).

(If you have additional promises to your in-laws and wishes for the future, you can write them here.)

Thank you for trusting me. I vow to always put the happiness of your (son/daughter/child) first over anything else. As this journey begins, I hope that we can share in every joy, overcome every challenge, and cherish every moment.

With all my love and gratitude,

(Your name).

7. Dear (in-laws’ first names),

Since (describe the moment you first met your in-laws), you have shown me so much love and welcomed me with warm, open arms. I am so, so thankful for that simple kindness.

Above all, I want to thank you for (describe what makes you grateful for your in-laws). I admire your (describe their characteristics that inspire you. You can do this separately and name each of them, or you can describe them together).

(Talk about the valuable lessons they have imparted to you. Share how they inspire you.) In many ways, it would be fair to say that without your support and guidance, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I feel so blessed to have you in our lives. I promise to (describe your vows to your partner).

Thank you for being the parents, in-laws, and friends that you are. You make this world a better, kinder, safer place for us—and your future grandchildren.

Lovingly yours,

(Your name)

Final Thoughts

The process of penning a letter to your in-laws on your wedding day can be terrifying. However, if there’s any piece of writing advice you need to keep in mind, it’s this: be genuine. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Be authentic and be you, and everything will be okay.  

Once you are done, the finished letter will have its intended effect: to make your in-laws feel loved and appreciated.