10 Lutheran Wedding Vow Examples (+Template & Ideas)

At its core, weddings are about two people coming together and solidifying the commitment they have for each other. One of the most exciting parts of any ceremony is exchanging declarations of intent and vows, wherein you make promises for the next chapter of your life.

Lutheran wedding vows are rooted in four core values: acknowledging God, pledging to your partner, promising unwavering commitment, and showing lifelong dedication.

Below are 10 examples of wedding vows for Lutheran couples, along with a template you can use to write your own vows. The four basic values mentioned above are also explained in more detail.

Lovely Lutheran Wedding Vow Examples

bride and groom in a field of grass

  1. “I, (your name), take you, (partner’s name), to be my wedded (husband/wife/spouse), and I promise before God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful (husband/wife/spouse), in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.”
  2. “Today, (partner’s name), I stand before our family, our friends, and God, and promise to be your anchor in life’s stormy seas, your partner in every adventure, and your solace in every hardship. I vow to cherish and uphold our love, from this day forth, for as long as we both shall live.”
  3. “I, (your name), choose you, (partner’s name), in every life circumstance—in the joy of abundance and the lessons of scarcity, in moments of boundless joy and seasons of profound sorrow, through the trials of illness and the vigor of health. Today, and all the days of our lives, I choose you.”
  4. “In the grand symphony of life, it’s your melody, (partner’s name), that I pledge to harmonize with. In richness and poorness, through joyous crescendos and sorrowful diminuendos, in the echoes of health and whispers of ailment, I vow to sing alongside you as long as our song shall play.”
  5. “With the softest breath of the morning and the last sigh of the evening, I pledge, (partner’s name), to forever be your refuge and your strength. Through days of sunlit abundance and nights of shadowed scarcity, in moments of shared joy and shared sorrow, through health and illness, I promise to walk by your side until our sun sets.”
  6. “My beloved (partner’s name), today I stand before God and our loved ones with a heart full it can burst. I pledge to be your shelter and your comfort, your partner and your friend, through days of bounty and of want, in shared joy and in shared sorrow, in sickness and in health. This I promise until our journey’s end.”

groom reading his vows

  1. Dearest (partner’s name), in the presence of God and these witnesses, I offer you my unwavering commitment. In every high and low—in our times of plenty and of want, during shared joy and shared sorrow, in sickness and in health—I promise to love, honor, and cherish you. This vow I take today and for all the tomorrows that follow.
  2. “(Partner’s name), in the presence of God and our loved ones, I take you as my (husband/wife/spouse). I give thanks each day for the love we share, a love that enriches and strengthens me. I vow to cherish you through every circumstance we encounter, whether it be joy or sorrow, wealth or poverty, health or sickness, for all the days of our lives.”
  3. “(Partner’s name), I choose you as my (husband/wife/spouse). I pledge before God to grow with you in love and faith. Through joy and sorrow, abundance and scarcity, health and illness, I promise to cultivate our bond and walk this journey of life hand in hand with you for as long as we both shall live.”
  4. “I, (your name), take you, (partner’s name), to be my wedded (husband/wife/spouse). Today and every day, in the presence of God, I vow to join my life with yours. Through joy and sorrow, abundance and scarcity, health and illness, I promise to unite my heart with yours, building our story together for all our days.”

Helpful Lutheran Wedding Vow Template to Follow

If you want to create a highly personalized wedding vow for your Lutheran ceremony, below is a template for a traditional vow you can use.

“I, (your name), take you, (partner’s name), to be my wedded (husband/wife/spouse). Today, I promise before God and these witnesses (insert your personal commitments here; think about what’s special about your love story or the characteristics you cherish in your partner). This I vow to you in times of plenty and in want, in shared joy and shared sorrow, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”

Lutheran Wedding Vows: Characteristics and Values

wedding on a beach

Knowing the characteristics of Lutheran wedding vows can make it easier for you to write your own. Although each vow will be unique to each person, there are a few basic characteristics or core values you will always see.

  • Acknowledgment of God: Lutheran vows typically begin with a declaration made before God, recognizing the sanctity and sacredness of the commitment you are about to enter. With this acknowledgment, you also emphasize the importance of having God at the center of your relationship.
  • Promises to Partner: as with any type of vow, be it spiritual or pagan, Lutheran vows contain pledges to your partner. These promises typically center around love, respect, ​​devotion, companionship, and emotional support.
  • Unwavering Commitment: Lutheran vows emphasize remaining faithful through all the circumstances and challenges life will throw your way. You will frequently hear phrases like, “In plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health.”
  • Lifelong Dedication: Typically, Lutheran wedding vows end with sentiments such as, “as long as we both shall live,” symbolizing the lasting commitment you promise to uphold and maintain.

Final Thoughts

There are no strict rules you must follow when writing vows, whether it be Lutheran, medieval, or whatnot. Focus on writing what you truly feel, and make it reflect your relationship and commitment to your partner.

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