Promise Letter to My Future Wife (5 Examples & Templates)

The art of handwriting letters is not as widespread as it used to be; nowadays, we focus more on digital posts and messages. While there is nothing wrong with the latter, there is something so special and profound about writing a letter—especially a promise letter—to someone you love.

A promise letter to your future wife details your vows for the life you envision having with them. This letter shows your commitment, love, and hope for what the future has in store for your relationship.

Below are four examples of promise letters for your wife-to-be, followed by a template you can use to help you write your own.

Promise Letter to My Future Wife: Heartfelt Examples

couple holding hands and smiling for a photo

1. To My Dearest Sarah,

We just celebrated three years of dating. We had a lovely dinner, walked around the lake, and then spent the night making love. You’re fast asleep next to me, on the bed we purchased together, and I am filled with so much love I think my heart is about to burst.

This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about proposing, but it is the first time I’ve thought about it while searching around for rings. I’m 200% sure—I’ve never been surer of anything else in my life—that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I can’t stop imagining you walking down the aisle. I can’t stop imagining us opening a joint savings account and saving for a house in a quiet neighborhood. I can’t stop imagining us looking in the mirror 5, 10, 25 years into the future, our hair gray and our skin wrinkled, and feeling so content and happy with the life we’ve built together.

I’ll come up with different vows on our wedding day. But for now, I promise you these:

I promise to always be the designated planner for your perennial spontaneity.

I promise to build you the home library of your dreams.

I promise to look away when you buy yet another shirt, knickknack, or merch of your favorite artist online.

I promise to always lessen how much spice I add to the food I cook, so I don’t set your delicate taste buds on fire.

I promise to be your number-one fan in everything that you do.

I can’t wait for the day I can stand in front of our friends, family, and God to show them how much I love you. For now, sleep well, sweetheart. I love you more than you will ever know.



2. To My Future Wife,

I know you’ve been thinking about getting married for a while. You think you’re good at hiding it, but I see you. You have Pinterest boards dedicated to wedding dresses and centerpieces. You cry happy tears whenever someone on TV gets proposed to.

Please wait a little longer, my love. I want everything to be perfect, and that means saving up some money so we have a lot more to work with.

But I see it all so clearly now. We’ll find a rustic and romantic venue along the West Coast, get married by the ocean, and leave the ceremony with sand in our shoes, smiles on our faces, and so much love in our hearts.

When we reach that point, I want you to know this:

I promise to always give you the time and space to express what you’re feeling. You can talk to me about anything and everything, even the difficult topics.

I promise to respect your individuality. We’re a couple—hopefully, a married one soon—but we shouldn’t forget about our lives outside our relationship.

I promise to be there whenever and wherever you need me. You’ll always have my shoulder to lean on, my hand to hold, and my arm to punch (or pinch) if you need it.

Most of all, I promise to love you unwaveringly, unconditionally, and unendingly. You have all my love.

Sincerely yours,


lesbian couple sitting in bed with their pets

3. Dear Cathy,

I’m sure you don’t remember this because you were quite drunk at the time, but you’ve actually already proposed to me. We were at a friend’s party, celebrating the fact that we’d just finished our third year of college. I was playing rummy with Josh, Mike, and a few other people from our Psychology class. You were leaning on my shoulder, this close to falling asleep, and I heard you whisper to me: “Let’s get married once we graduate. I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

I could’ve cried then, but I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You didn’t mention it the next day, so I thought you’d forgotten about it… but it has never left my mind.

Now that we’ve actually graduated—got a master’s degree at that!—we should make good on your word, yeah? I’ve asked for permission from your parents already, and I’ve enlisted the help of your best friend to pick a ring. All that’s left is to get the ring and propose.

As I stare at this upcoming chapter of our lives in the face, I want to promise you these things:

I promise to prioritize your happiness and well-being. I want this relationship (this marriage!) to be a safe space for both of us—be it physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

I promise to be compassionate and understanding to you, and I promise to show myself the same. As you always tell me, we do the best we can with the information that we have; being kind is the least we can do.

I promise to be your ride and die. Through thick and thin, through all the ups and downs of life, you have me. I will be there for you without exceptions.

Last but not least, I promise to love you unconditionally, and I promise to nurture this love so it grows and grows until our hearts alone cannot contain it.

Forever yours,


4. To My Milena,

You just left a few minutes ago to go with your mom to her annual physical exam. You kissed me goodbye, and even though we’re a few years into our relationship already, this small act still gives me butterflies.

Now, I’m eating the omelet you cooked before leaving, and something compelled me to sit down and write a letter—which I have never done before. Even then, the words and thoughts are coming naturally to me.

I love you. I really, really, really want to marry you soon. Let’s get married.

I’m sorry to my boss because I’ve been using some of my time at work imagining our wedding. I’m thinking of somewhere in Lake Como with only our closest friends and family so we can give them an experience as memorable as it will be for us. What do you think?

But no matter where we say our vows or whenever our wedding happens, one thing doesn’t change: You are my person. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I promise to be faithful and loyal to you. You have all of my love, and there’s no one else I’d rather be with.

I promise to continue working on my communication skills. I know that there will be disagreements and fights in our married life, so I need to be more open, honest, and transparent.

I promise to apologize when I’m wrong, to listen to how I can make amends, and to actually show that I’ve heard you.

I promise to keep our love alive and aflame. I’m aware that simply loving you isn’t always enough; I need to show you, too. I will plan little dates, leave little notes, and do all these little gestures so I can let you know just how loved you are.

While I cannot promise you the world, I promise that I will never get tired of trying to give it to you.

You are my soulmate, my best friend, and the love of my life. I cannot wait for the day I can start calling you my wife.

With all the love in the world,


Helpful Template for a Promise Letter to a Future Wife

5. Dear (your partner’s name),

(Describe the circumstances in which you’re writing the promise letter to your future wife. Is it just a regular day? Did you just celebrate an anniversary? Where is your partner right now?)

(Talk about how you realized that you wanted to marry your partner. What happened that brought about this realization? Or is it a natural progression?)

(List all your promises. You can enumerate, write in bullet form, or separate each promise by paragraph. Doing so will make it easier to read and also make it apparent that you have many promises you want to make.)

(Write an ending statement. This can be as simple as “I love you.”)

With all my love,

(Your name)

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