100+ Endearing Wedding Card Quotes to Express Your Joy

Weddings are a celebration of love, and the joy they bring to everyone involved is often unparalleled. As guests, you get to witness the blossoming of a relationship and all the fanfare that comes with it.

You can express your excitement and well-wishes for the newlyweds in many ways, such as writing a letter, making a speech, and giving them a personalized wedding card.

An example of a wedding card quote is, “Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Below are over 100 examples of well-wishes and messages for a wedding card, divided into several categories to make it easier to find the best one.

Quotes and Messages for a Wedding Card: Touching Examples

wedding card that says happy wedding day

Formal Wedding Card Quotes and Messages

These formal messages and quotes are perfect for sending well-wishes to newlyweds with whom you are not that close. They are classic, timeless, and appropriate for any situation.

  1. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, romance, and kindness to each other.
  2. Congratulations on the beautiful wedding! As this lifelong journey starts, may your love grow deeper, your laughter be louder, and your bond with one another stronger.
  3. Best wishes to you, [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] and [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] [couple’s last name]! May the future be kind to you.
  4. May the years ahead be everything that you’ve dreamed of. Congratulations!
  5. I wish you both a long, fulfilling, and—above all—happy life together. Congratulations to you two!
  6. May the love you share today only grow stronger as the years go by. Congratulations! Here’s to a life of shared dreams and cherished memories.
  7. Welcome to the road toward your happy ever after. I’m sending my best wishes!
  8. May the love and joy you feel today on your wedding day never go away. Congratulations!
  9. I wish you two love, happiness, and contentment as you enter this new chapter of your lives together. Congratulations!
  10. Today is the beginning of an everlasting story. Praying for a sweet and fulfilling life for the two of you.
  11. I pray that your love today never ends. Always remember to replenish and nurture your love, as it’s more than just a feeling—it’s a choice you have to make every day.
  12. May this union bring you all the joy, good fortune, and adventures you two deserve. Congratulations!
  13. Congratulations on finding your way to one another! May the journey ahead be everything that you wish for.
  14. May your marriage be as majestic as a clear night sky, and may your love be as endless as the stars and galaxies we look up to every night. Congratulations!
  15. Wishing you a life filled with days as joyful and memorable as today. May your love only grow stronger, deeper, and richer from here on out.
  16. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing soulmates find their way to each other. Congratulations! I wish you all the best.
  17. May your love story be as charming, magical, and fantastic as the fairytales we used to read as kids. Congratulations!
  18. “Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
    Congratulations on the marriage, [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] and [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] [couple’s last name]! May you always look in the same direction.
  19. “To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.” – Mark Twain.
    May the years ahead be filled with unequivocal and unending happiness for the two of you. Congratulations!
  20. Thank you for inviting us to your wedding; it was an honor to be with you on your special day. May the future be bright, kind, and exciting for you two.
  21. “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle.
    You two are soulmates; congratulations on finding each other! I wish you two the best the world has to offer.
  22. May the world be as kind and loving to you two as you are toward the world. Congratulations on the beautiful wedding!
  23. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” – Nicholas Sparks. Congratulations, you two!

Light-hearted and Humorous Wedding Card Sayings and Wishes 

On the opposite side, feel free to add humor and quirk to your wedding card message if you are close to the couple. Add a play on words, pun, short anecdote, inside joke, or a witty saying about marriage and relationships.

  1. Wishing you two a fun-filled marriage!
  2. It’s an honor to get to eat and drink our hearts out while you two get married. Congratulations to you two!
  3. Always remember to practice your “Yes, dear” so you don’t sound patronizing. Congratulations on getting married!
  4. Who knew that swiping right could lead to this? Congratulations!
  5. So stoked for you guys! The secret to a happy marriage will always be a secret. But between the two of us, I think it’s just laughing at each other’s jokes and saying sorry whenever necessary.
  6. You finally got hitched! Congratulations. I never doubted you.
  7. Married life is an exciting and dangerous adventure…. Well, it’s too late now. Have fun and enjoy the ride!
  8. You know what they say: the best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once. Maybe wait a couple of years before forgetting it, though… Anyway, congratulations!
  9. Congratulations on signing your life away! At least make some good memories out of it, will you?
  10. Thanks a lot for making me cry like a baby. At least my makeup is waterproof!
  11. Weird habits die hard… learn to live with your partner’s quirks. Congratulations on your wedding!
  12. Remember: someone is always right even when they’re really not. You two decide for yourself who that someone is. Congrats on getting married!
  13. Appreciate the free booze! Thanks for letting me be part of your magical night.
  14. Marriage is a free pass to annoy your special person for the rest of your life. I promise I’m only a little jealous! Congratulations to both of you.
  15. Why are spouses more dangerous than the mafia? The mafia only wants your money or your life… your spouse wants both! Be careful (and stay in love, you two).
  16. You don’t marry someone just because you can live with them. You say yes to the proposal because you can’t live without them—even if you sometimes want to.
  17. “Spend a few minutes a day really listening to your spouse. No matter how stupid his problems sound to you.” – Megan Mullally
  18. If there’s anything my own marriage has taught me, it’s never to forget to have date nights every now and then… keep the romance alive!
  19. It seems just like yesterday when we were 18 and struggling in university. Today, you’ll be struggling with whatever married people struggle with! Congratulations!
  20. Congratulations on the gorgeous wedding! I sincerely hope it isn’t all downhill from here.
  21. If you want to keep your marriage happy and healthy, I suggest staying away from DIY furniture. You’ll thank me later.

Inspirational Wedding Card Quotes and Wishes

hand holding a card that says a rising tide lifts all boats

Weddings are a time of big changes. Between all the happiness, the couple might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Use your wedding card as an opportunity to uplift and motivate the newlyweds with encouragement and positivity.

  1. As long as you are patient, understanding, and kind to each other, you can overcome any challenge married life throws your way. Congratulations on a gorgeous wedding!
  2. “In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  3. With God at the center of your union, even the impossible will look easy.
  4. Your journey so far is a testament to your strength, resilience, and deep love for one another. Just keep on doing what you’ve been doing; you’ll be okay. Cheers to the future!
  5. “So these three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13
  6. May your love be rich and your joy overflowing. Congratulations, [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] and [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] [couple’s last name]!
  7. Your relationship’s strength isn’t determined by how many days, weeks, months, or years you’ve been together, but by how much you love each other every day.
  8. May your love be a steady and firm foundation for your dreams and goals.
  9. No matter how many times you fall, the important thing is to hold each other’s hand, get up, and continue fighting.
  10. On the days when it feels like everything is impossible, just take a few deep breaths and remember the people you love—your spouse, friends, and relatives.
  11. You are a beautiful, resilient, and determined couple. The future is uncertain, but I’m 100% sure you will be just fine.
  12. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32
  13. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. That’s impossible, anyway. Just do everything with love, and all will be alright in time.
  14. You’ve come so far as a couple, and the future is bright. It only gets better from here.
  15. [Couple’s names], you are an example of what true love is. You are an inspiration to everyone around you. Stay true to yourself. Congratulations!
  16. May your union be as strong as your faith in God and in each other.
  17. There are no storms in life you cannot weather when you are together. Be each other’s anchor through everything.
  18. Love is the greatest gift and blessing anyone can receive. Cherish your love and nurture it.
  19. “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” – Romans 12:10
  20. “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” – Proverbs 3:3

“Welcome to the Family” Wedding Card Quotes and Wishes

This is a heartwarming sentiment if you are related to one of the people getting married. Make their spouse feel welcomed and appreciated through a message on a wedding card.

  1. Welcome to the family! We’re so glad to have you here with us.
  2. [Spouse’s name], in you, we gained not just [a/an] [daughter-in-law/son-in-law/in-law], but we also gained a new friend and confidante. Welcome home.
  3. Today, our family grew by one heart, one smile, and one beautiful soul. Cheers to a future filled with love and great memories!
  4. The [your surname] family is not just gaining a new member; it’s also growing in joy, love, and perspective. Welcome!
  5. You didn’t just marry [your relative’s name], you married [his/her/their] entire family. Hope you’re ready for the crazy ride!
  6. Seeing [your relative’s name] so happy and in love brings a certain kind of joy to my heart. Thank you for being you. Welcome to our family!
  7. We couldn’t have asked for a better addition to our family. You are loving, considerate, and so easy to be with. Congratulations on the gorgeous wedding, and welcome to our family.
  8. Family is more than just being related by blood. It also includes the people who walk into your life, say “I’m here for you,” and prove it with their words and actions. Welcome to the family, [partner’s name]. We can’t wait to make good memories with you!
  9. Welcome to the [your surname] family! We can’t wait to shower you with love, annoy you sometimes, and cherish you like you were always here.
  10. You bring a new light to this family, [partner’s name]. Thank you for showing us your kindness, resilience, and brilliance. Here’s to a lifetime of happy memories!
  11. We hope you love chaos, [partner’s name]! There’s no shortage of that here in the family.
  12. You make [your relative’s name] so happy, content, and motivated for the future. Seeing her overjoyed makes us overjoyed. Thank you. Welcome to our small and loving family.
  13. [Partner’s name], may you find in our family the same love, support, and joy you bring to [your relative’s name]. Welcome to our family!
  14. Congratulations on your marriage! We can’t wait to see you at our family gatherings.
  15. This is a blessed day for our family and yours. Congratulations on the lovely marriage!
  16. Best wishes to the two of you! When things get rough, just know you have two families who are always rooting for you and willing to support you in anything.
  17. Marriage is not just a union of two individuals but also of two families. Welcome to ours, [partner’s name]. We’re glad to have you here.

Short Wedding Card Quotes and Sayings

You might have limited space on your wedding card. You might also be planning to write a letter to your relative who is getting married. Regardless, short wedding card wishes are convenient but no less sincere than the others.

  1. Here’s to forever.
  2. Love wins.
  3. Happy Ever After starts here.
  4. Forever starts now.
  5. Two hearts, one love.
  6. Love will always come out on top.
  7. Congratulations! I’m so happy for both of you.
  8. Cheers to love and laughter!
  9. Best wishes to [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] and [Mr./Mrs./Mx.] [couple’s last name]!
  10. Congratulations on this milestone!
  11. I wish you two all the best.
  12. “To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further.” – Victor Hugo
  13. “The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.” – William Lyon Phelps
  14. “Let all that you do be done in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14
  15. May your love story be magical.
  16. Wedding down, forever more to go!
  17. Thrilled to celebrate this day with you two.
  18. May your love burn as bright and unwavering as the Sun.
  19. Congratulations, adorable lovebirds!
  20. Sending my love to you two.
  21. Here’s to a long and fulfilling life for both of you!
  22. Your love is one-of-a-kind. Congratulations!
  23. To infinity and beyond.
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