Letter to Daughter on Wedding Day (6 Examples & Templates)

In this intricate and complex tapestry called life, few milestones are as emotionally charged as the wedding of your child. This joyous and nostalgic milestone is an opportunity for parents to show their unending love and unconditional support for their children. One of the best ways to do so is to write a personal and sentimental letter.

In a letter to your daughter on her wedding day, you can express your nostalgia, excitement, love, and any emotion you are feeling. This can also be a wonderful way to share some advice, send your wishes, and remind them of your support. 

Below are five heartwarming examples of letters you can dedicate to your daughter on her wedding day. A template is also provided to help you write your own.

Letter to Daughter on Wedding Day: Touching Examples

mother of the bride happily embracing the bride

1. My Dearest Sophie,

What a rollercoaster the last few months have been, huh? The stress of wedding planning—your dad  and I have been there—can really take a toll on your mental health. But I’m so proud of how you and Greg have managed to plan the wedding of your dreams, and with full-time jobs on top of that!

I’m writing this letter at the dawn of your wedding day. The sunrise will welcome not only a new day but also a new chapter of your life. Thinking of this makes me emotional; I feel a mix of immense joy, pride, and a tinge of melancholy.

From the first time I felt you kick inside my belly, I immediately felt a connection with you. This feeling deepened when I finally gave birth to you, and I’m so glad that our connection only became stronger as you grew up.

You were a joy to raise. Watching you navigate this maze we call life with such grace, compassion, and determination has been a source of delight and satisfaction. Your infectious laughter and bright smile never fail to brighten even the cloudiest of days.

Marriage is an intricately woven tapestry of love, respect, and empathy. More than anything else, constantly work on your communication. With openness and honesty, you can weather life’s toughest storms.

In your partnership, remember to cherish the mundane and quiet as much as you cherish the grand and extraordinary. Celebrate the small things as much as you celebrate the major moments.

Lastly, do not lose yourself in your marriage. It is a union, yes, but never forget your personhood outside of this union. Preserve and nurture the essence of who you are; this will only make your partnership and commitment stronger.

Congratulations to you and Greg! You two will always have my support and love. I wish you nothing but the best. The road ahead might seem overwhelming and intimidating, but just hold each other’s hand. You are capable of anything and everything.



2. Dear Elena,

I remember when you were 12 years old, and your sister was 14, and you found my old wedding dress. Afterward, you would ‘DIY’ wedding dresses with tissue paper and anything you can find, put on makeup, and pretend to walk down the aisle at your own wedding.

It was a heartwarming and adorable sight. Today, you get to wear a real wedding dress, walk down a real aisle, and marry the love of your life. Thinking about it makes my heart swell with joy, pride, and nostalgia.

You have grown beautifully, Elena—from a curious and bubbly kid who always had a question to ask, to a strong, compassionate, and intelligent woman. It’s an honor to be part of your journey.

You probably already know this, but I just want to stress it: marriage is all about balance. Give as much as you take. Listen as much as you talk. Be understanding and honest, and be ready to make compromises—lots of them!—with Alex.

You and Alex will be just fine. You two are passionate, determined, and resilient; not even the highest tsunamis or strongest earthquakes can destroy your essence.

Always remember that your dad and I, and the rest of our loving family, will always be here for you. We’re all one call away.

With a heart full of love, I wish you, Mr. and Mrs. Strauss-Black, a lifetime of love, laughter, and the best adventures life has to offer. May your days be bright with sunshine and may your nights be magical and full of stardust.

With all my love,


bride looking out of bridal car

3. Dear Riley,

You’ll understand when you’re a parent, but we thought this day wouldn’t come for another 5–10 years… but here we are. You’re transitioning from our Netflix buddy and resident DJ to Simone’s lifelong partner-in-crime. You can’t see us, but we’re slow-clapping for love.

Congratulations to you two! As you lovebirds prepare to spread your wings and learn to fly, humor your semi-elderly parents, and let us share some ‘profound’ pearls of wisdom we have accumulated over the years.

Remember how you used to believe in fairytales? Sadly, marriage isn’t one. It’s more like a 90s sitcom, where laugh tracks are abundant, plot twists are unexpected, and reruns are inevitable. Every episode wouldn’t be a thriller or have a major plot line, but that’s where the charm lies.

We can only describe marriage as like… making a sandwich. There will be days when you have all the ingredients for your favorite sandwich. However, on some days, you might be out of mayo, mustard, or lettuce. Sometimes, the bread might be past the expiration date. On these not-so-ideal days, improvisation is key… you can make instant ramen, use an air fryer to cook a different meal, or even just order something in.

And communication… we cannot stress enough how important this is! Communication is like the Wi-Fi of your relationship. Sometimes, the connection is strong. Other times, you may need to approach from another angle. On rare occasions, you might need to unplug and restart to get it to work again. Patience is the name of the game.

We only have room for three pieces of advice. We don’t want to write a too-long letter. However, do know that our home will forever be open to you and Simone. We’re always one call away if you need more advice, someone to chat with, or if you’ve run out of your favorite peanut butter.

So, with an imaginary flute of Champagne, we raise a toast to your happy ever after! Here’s to a lifetime of giggles, bear hugs, and delightful surprises.

Fondly yours,

Jim and Cathy

4. Dear Alexis,

Somehow, it still feels surreal that I’m already writing a letter to my daughter on her wedding day. My momma heart didn’t see this coming for another 10 years… but the phenomenal day is here, and I couldn’t be happier for you.

First of all, I am extending my deepest and most heartfelt congratulations to you and Tom. It feels just like yesterday when you were twirling around in make-believe princess dresses; today, you will be walking down the aisle in a real wedding dress and saying ‘I do’ to the love of your life.

Marriage is an enchanting adventure with lots of highs, lows, and countless learning opportunities. Cherish each moment. Through it all, do not forget to be each other’s best friend and fiercest ally; on some days, it’ll feel like it’s just you and Tom against the world. Just hold onto each other tightly.

I know you and Tom are excited to start making your home. I have full belief in the two of you. However, always remember that our home, arms, and hearts are open to you. Whatever you need—advice, company, or anything else—just give us a call, okay?

With a heart full of joy, I wish you both a lifetime of love, happiness, good fortune, and endless adventures.

Lovingly yours,


5. Dear Valerie,

Do you know what your first steps as a baby and your first dance as a newlywed later today have in common? One, these firsts welcome a new chapter of your life. Two, both moments are priceless to me as your father.

As you and Clint stand on the precipice of this delightful new chapter, here’s some parental advice: love, laughter, and open communication above all else. Be it in sunshine or overcast days, let understanding, compromise, and unending support for each other be your true north.

Marriage, as you’ll soon come to find out, is as much about love and commitment as it is about strength and resilience. All the challenges you will face, together and as individuals, will only make your relationship more enduring.

I know you already know this, but the path ahead is a meandering one. There will be challenges, yes, but there will also be milestones and celebrations. Every day is a new day to look forward to and make your own.

Here’s a toast to you, my beautiful daughter, and to my son-in-law. As the Koreans say, may you always walk along the road with flowers.

With all my love,


Easy Template for Letter to Daughter on Wedding Day

emotional father-daughter dance at wedding

6. Dear (daughter’s name),

As I write this letter on [when are you writing this letter? On the day of the wedding, the night before, or another time?], I can’t help but feel [describe what you’re feeling]. Watching you grow into the woman you are today, [adjectives to describe your daughter], makes me the proudest (mom/dad/parent) ever.

From the moment you entered this world, you have been an immeasurable source of pride, joy, and happy memories to us. I know you will be the same for (daughter’s partner’s name) and your future family.

I know the future is uncertain, and this can be intimidating, so allow me to share some pieces of parental advice. [Share the advice you have for your daughter and your son-in-law. You can enumerate them, write them in bullet form, or give each piece of advice its own paragraph.]

Marriage is more than just a beautiful wedding dress, an expensive ring, or a breathtaking venue. Marriage is [describe marriage in your own profound words].

As you walk down the aisle toward the love of your life, remember that you will always have the love, respect, and support of your family behind you. You will always have us. We are incredibly proud of you, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Mr. and Mrs. (spouses’ last name).

With a heart filled to the brim with love, I wish you two [say your wishes to the couple].

Fondly yours,

(Your name)

Final Thoughts

The art of writing letters has been making a resurgence recently because of its tenderness and sentimentality. In particular, romantic letters—be it for long-distance partners or committed couples on the cusp of an engagement—are becoming popular again.

However, letters can also express and foster platonic and familial love. Writing a letter for your daughter on her wedding day is a fantastic and one-of-a-kind way of letting her see that you have her back, that you love her, and that you are immensely happy for her.