Letter to Son in Law on Wedding Day (5 Examples)

Although most of us use our phones more often, handwritten letters are a wonderful and heartfelt way to express our feelings and sentiments. Writing a letter, be it for your spouse or an in-law, is a memorable and emotional tradition at any wedding.

When writing a letter to a son-in-law on his wedding day, you can share your thoughts, feelings, and advice. All you need to do is be genuine, honest, and kind. Below are five lovely examples of such letters to help you start drafting your own. 

Heartfelt Examples of Letters to Son-in-Law on Wedding Day

man putting a corsage on another man's suit

1. Dear Sonny,

When we first moved to Boston, we didn’t really know what to expect. We did our research on the culture, famous restaurants, weather, and everything we thought we should know about the city.

Despite everything we knew, we were most nervous about our would-be neighbors. Our Letty, six years old at the time, was a very shy girl. We were worried that she wouldn’t be able to adjust.

Thankfully, you guys lived in the next unit. Your parents were so nice to us then, and even today, they never fail to amaze us with their kindness.

Our first impression of you was that you were so funny. Truly the life of the party! Finding Letty on the floor, laughing so hard her entire face was red, was a highlight of our weekends.

Over the years, we watched you grow into a courteous, passionate, and diligent man. We don’t want to be cheesy, but I think we were able to tell exactly when you two started falling in love with each other. It was incredible to watch; it felt like reliving our own teenage years!

We cannot imagine a better man for our amazing, kind, and smart Letty. We are thrilled to see your special day come together, and we can’t wait to walk down the aisle with our daughter.

Never forget that we — and your parents, Jim and Tanya — will always be there for you. You can count on us for advice, assistance, and anything you need. We love you unconditionally.

All the love,

Robert and Cathy

man wearing suit

2. To My Future Son-in-Law, Henry,

I have been told many times that I’m set in my ways. I like following the rules, observing traditions, and doing things the way I’ve been doing them for decades.

I can understand why Brian was so nervous to introduce you to us. And I can understand why he initially felt so angry with me. Those months we didn’t talk really put things into perspective for me.

So, the first thing I want to say to you is I’m sorry. I admit I was a bigot back then… and I said some things that I’m absolutely not proud of.

Since then, I’ve had a lot of learning to do. So, the next thing I want to say to you is thank you. You two were so patient with me, even when in some moments, I didn’t think I deserved it.

Last but not least, I want to say I love you both. Brian doesn’t hear enough of that from me, and that’s something I want to change. I’m grateful that you two gave me another chance to be in your lives, and I will make the most of that chance.

There are some rules and traditions worth following, and there are some that need to be changed. I know that now.

I can’t promise I will give the best advice or be a great source of comfort — your mother-in-law is way better than me in that regard. However, if you need something fixed in your house, a custom piece of furniture, or anything outdoors-related, I’m your guy.

With all my love,


old couple

3. To Our Future Son-in-Law,

Even though it’s been a year, it feels like it was just yesterday when Maggie introduced you to us. I remember I made lasagna for dinner, and you brought a lovely bottle of Champagne.

Jason and I talked about you before we went to sleep that night. We respected Maggie’s decision, of course; as much as she’s a passionate go-getter, she really knows what’s best for her.

I’m sure you’ll understand this in the future when you have your own kids, but of course, we were a bit skeptical. You were lovely company at dinner, but other than that, we didn’t know you well. We barely knew anything about your family, your goals in life, and whatnot.

However, we’re so happy we’ve gotten to know you over the past several months. We’ve started to see what our Maggie saw in you: smart, witty, helpful, kind, and respectful — we’ll run out of all the positive adjectives in this letter!

We have nothing but trust that you will adjust well to the rollercoaster that is married life. You will thrive, even.

We pray that you will always keep God at the center of your relationship. When things get overwhelming, remember to breathe, take a break, and spend a moment for prayer. You can get through everything with each other and prayer.

We will always be one call — or one plane ride, can’t believe you guys are moving! — away. Don’t ever think that you’ll be a bother to us; it will always be a pleasure for us to hear how you are doing.

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two of you.


Lena and Jeff

bride, father and son-in-law

4. Dear Nigel,

If someone told me five years ago that I would have to write a letter to a son-in-law on their wedding day anytime soon, I would have never believed them. At that time, we didn’t see Simone getting married; we thought she would wait until her 30s. She’s told us multiple times that would be the financially smarter decision.

However, I guess when you meet your soulmate, you really can’t wait any longer, right? That’s how I felt when I met your father-in-law, Tommy, all those years ago.

Welcome to the family, dear! I hope you love chaotic yearly family reunions, an even more chaotic white elephant gift exchange every Christmas, and the most chaotic Yankees–Red Sox watch parties ever. You have no choice; you’ll have to bear with us.

My only hope is that you don’t lose your individual selves in your marriage. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. Never forget to nourish yourself; this will help your marriage be strong and resilient.

When you need help — advice, company, or anything fixed in your house — George and I are always willing. Now that we’re empty nesters, we have all the time in the world.

Here’s to a future filled with love, joy, and good fortune.

Your #1 supporter,


man wearing suit looking at his watch

5. Dear Dennis,

I understand that planning a wedding can be stressful and overwhelming at times. I’ve wanted to have a heart-to-heart with you for a while now, but every time I visit you and Tina, you both seem so tired and sleepy.

I figured writing a ‘letter to my son-in-law on their wedding day’ would be the next best thing. At least that’s what I read online. So here goes nothing.

Ben and I are so proud of Tina. She’s grown to be such a hard-working, lovely, and passionate woman. She’s making all of her dreams come true, and she’s determined to make her life — and ours — the best it could be.

I don’t have to tell you all of this. I’ve seen how you look at my daughter — I’m 100% sure you know.

But I realize that I have never told you this: Ben and I are so proud of you, too. You are just as ambitious as Tina, you have a career that you love, and you’re building the life of your dreams with the woman of your dreams. That’s amazing, and we’re glad to be part of your journey.

No matter what the next step for you two is — grandchildren, travel, business — you can count on our unconditional love and support.

If I have any advice for you, it’s to always be honest and open. Ben and I thankfully realized this early on in our relationship, but communication really is the key to a healthy marriage.

You have to talk about what you want, what boundaries you have, or what you feel at the moment. We can’t read minds, after all. And by communicating clearly, we can avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary fights.

I love you both. May your marriage be strong, resilient, and happy.

With all the love in the world,
