10 Wedding Speeches for Son and Daughter-In-Law

As a parent, one of the highlights of your life will be seeing your child marry the love of their life. On this day, you will feel an overwhelming swell of emotions—joy, pride, contentment, and maybe even some sadness.

Witnessing your child’s marriage offers a unique opportunity to share your wisdom, blessings, and heartfelt feelings. This momentous occasion demands words that encapsulate the depth of your sentiments. Crafting a wedding speech for your son and daughter-in-law allows you to convey your emotions, reminisce about cherished memories, and warmly welcome your new family member into the fold.

Below are 10 examples to give you an idea of how to write and what to include in your own speech.

Wedding Speech Samples for Your Son and Daughter-in-Law’s Big Day

mother in law embracing bride wearing wedding dress

1. Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our hearts are full of excitement today because we get to officially welcome Sandra to our family as our daughter-in-law.

From the first time we met you all those years ago when you and John were still scrawny undergraduates, I knew there was something special about you. You had such a warmth and kindness to your soul, it was obvious to everyone who looked.

Thank you for making our son’s eyes light up every time you speak or walk into the room. Thank you for being there for our son in a way that we ourselves can’t. Thank you for being you.

To our son, we’re so proud to have seen your growth over the years. We’ve watched you become this strong, dependable, steadfast man, and we’re confident that you and Sandra will be just fine.

As today’s celebration winds up to its end, let’s clink our glasses to the newlyweds—Mr. and Mrs. Johnson-Brown! Cheers!

2. Hey, everyone!

I hope all of you are having a fantastic night so far. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Martin’s dad, Bob.

I can see other parents here today—hey, Linda and Arnold!—so I’m sure some of you can relate when I say that today is a bit bittersweet for me. I feel immense joy and pride in my heart, but there’s also some sadness there. My little boy, who isn’t so little anymore—in fact, he always reminds me he’s got a few inches on me now—is leaving the nest to go on his next big adventure.

Martin, from the day you were born, you have brought me and your mom so much joy and fulfillment. It’s never easy raising a kid, but I think we were dealt a lucky card here. Martin never got into trouble, always got good grades, and was not ashamed of loving his parents in the way so many teenagers seem to be.

To our lovely Lily, whom we can now call our daughter-in-law, thank you for being our son’s perfect match. Over the years, we’ve seen how deep and one-of-a-kind your connection is. We could not have imagined a better person for Martin.

Both of you make us proud every day with your unending kindness, unwavering compassion, and untiring strength. May you continue nurturing your love and resilience as your relationship matures. I wish both of you nothing but happiness and good fortune.

Always remember that your mom and dad are always just one call away. I love you!

3. To our friends and family,

We hope tonight has been as magical for you as it is for our newlyweds. We saw how much love and effort they poured into planning this event, so please enjoy!

As a parent, seeing your child grow fills you with unexplainable pride and happiness. Jason, we’ve watched you grow out of your shoes, graduate high school, and find your passion in college. It’s an honor to be part of your journey.

At the same time, watching your child mature can be inexplicably sad. I don’t know if your father told you this, but when you moved out for college, I cried for a solid hour. It’s not that I didn’t believe in you, but there was this emptiness in my heart… and the house was so silent I could hear myself think!

You’ll understand this once you become a parent, too.

Emily, I’m sure you get told this a lot, but sometimes, you seem too good to be true. I mean—you’re so gorgeous, smart, funny, and kind. You care for others with such a passion that you make the world a better place simply by being you. I am so thrilled that I can now call you my daughter-in-law.

As you start your journey as a married couple, I wish you two all the best this life has to offer. Always remember that all of your parents—me, Jude, Lizzy, and Paxton—are only one call away if you need anything. Cheers!

4. Good evening, everyone! How’s the food and drinks? Is everyone excited for dessert?

Anyway, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Sam, Chris’s parent. Throughout this day, I’ve been spending a few moments here and there reflecting.

Being a parent isn’t easy. More than having bills to pay, food to cook, or no time for yourself, parenting is constantly questioning yourself if you’re doing the right thing. If you did what’s best for your kid. If you are enough.

Amanda and I used to ask ourselves these questions a lot. We didn’t have a lot of people to ask for help from, which made it even harder.

As I stand here in front of you all, seeing Chris look at Ellie like her eyes hold all the secrets to the universe, I’d like to think that we did a great enough job. Didn’t we, Mandy?

Chris grew up to be an empathetic, driven, and diligent man. He’s passionate but kind, intense but patient. He’s found the love of his life in Ellie, who is just as compassionate, who is just as intelligent, and who is just as full of love.

Welcome to our family, Ellie. We’re so glad to have you here.

As you navigate this new—and scary—part of your life, always remember that you have a support system who are more than willing to help you. We don’t want you to feel as alone as we did.

I love you, kid. And we love you too, Ellie. We wish you nothing but the best. Cheers to the newlyweds!

5. Good evening, friends and family. I’m Robert, father of the groom.

I’m so delighted to be here to celebrate the marriage of my son, Alex, and his exquisite wife Jenny.

Alex and Jenny, your love and devotion to each other are as clear as day. You complement each other and allow one another to shine. That’s the best type of relationship, in my opinion.

May you two have many wonderful years ahead full of joy and happiness. May your love continue to grow stronger from here on out.

Everyone, raise a glass to Alex and Jenny!

6. Hey, y’all!

Before I start this little wedding speech for my son and daughter-in-law, I want to thank y’all for taking the time and making the effort to attend this lovely wedding. It has been a blast celebrating this wonderful union with all of you guys.

My name is Jordyn, and I am Julien’s mom. I’m sure Billy, my hubby, can attest to this, but raising Julien was a rollercoaster, to say the least. We had to make late-night runs to the hospital, go to the principal’s office several times, and all that jazz. I was overwhelmed so many times I think my hair started graying early.

Nowadays, Julien is not as rambunctious as he used to be. He’s now calmer, more responsible, and less wild. While we love him endlessly for who he is, it’s nice not to have to worry about what your unpredictable child is going to do next, isn’t it?

I think we have Leah to thank for that. Leah is steadfast and levelheaded. Leah knows how to be fun in a way that isn’t a danger to herself or those around her. Leah balances Julien out without ever trying to dull his flame.

Leah, we’re so glad to have you here with us today as the newest member of our little family. Thank you for loving Julien the way you do.

Always remember that every new day in marriage is a new adventure. Nobody knows what they’re doing. Hell, Billy and I have been married for 15 years and sometimes, we don’t know what’s going on! Just hold each other’s hands, take a deep breath, and do the best you can. That is enough. 

I love you two! Have a delightful rest of the night. Cheers to the newlyweds!

7. Hi everyone! Lovely evening we’re having tonight so far, right?

For those whom I haven’t met yet, my name is Christie, and I am Paul’s mother. I don’t know how I’m supposed to follow that funny speech from Nina, so I suppose I’ll let Brian handle the jokes and humor in his speech later.

Today marks the start of a new life for Paul and Viola. The start of a whole new chapter can be very intimidating, but it is also liberating—you have the rest of your lives to figure things out. I’m so excited to see what you will make of your future.

Paul, you never fail to surprise us with your wisdom, depth, and integrity. Even when you were still a teenager, you were already smart beyond your years. That’s why your father and I often prayed for a person who will love you for who you are and not who they want you to be.

Oh boy, did God answer our prayers with Viola. Viola, you are wise, hardworking, and dedicated. Over the years, we’ve seen how kind and considerate you are of the people around you. Thank you for adding a sparkle to my son’s eyes; we really couldn’t have asked for a better daughter-in-law.

May the future treat you with the kindness you deserve. May the world give you space to achieve your dreams—and if it doesn’t, I know you two will find a way. I love you two!

Cheers to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison!

8. Good evening, everyone. I’m Mark, father of the groom.

I’m so thrilled to be here with you all today to celebrate the union of my son James and his beautiful bride Samantha. These soulmates have found their way to each other, and that fills me with so much joy.

James, you’ve grown into an amazing man with a heart of gold.

Samantha, you are a gem—thoughtful, kind, bright, and full of life.

Seeing the love between you makes me the happiest dad in the world. You two were made for each other.

May you always see the best in one another and bring out the best in one another. May you continue to nourish your bond. Last but not least, may you build a life of laughter, adventure, and fulfillment.

Best wishes to the newlyweds! To James and Samantha!

9. Good afternoon, everyone. I’m so glad the weather cooperated with us today! It’s bright and sunny, which I’m taking as a great sign for our lovebirds’ future.

If you don’t know me, my name is Karen, and I’m the mother of our dapper groom, Maverick.

I can’t put into words how excited I am to welcome Julia into our family as our daughter-in-law. I think I can best describe it as when Maverick called me to tell me the news of their engagement, I screamed so loud my neighbors got alarmed!

Seeing you two together warms my heart. Maverick and Julia, I am so proud of you two and the people you have become over the last few years. Your growth is admirable, and I am confident that you will weather the storm that is married life just fine.

May your future be just as bright and sunny as today. If you ever need anything, just know that we’re all here for you. We’re rooting for you!

Cheers to the newlyweds!

10. Hello to you all! I’m so giddy to stand here in front of you today to celebrate the marriage of Philip and Beth! For those who haven’t met me yet, my name is Deborah, and I’m Philip’s mother.

Raising Philip and watching him grow from a restless toddler to a constantly tired high-schooler and now to a charming young man has been the joy of my life.

I’m so happy to know that he’s marrying Beth, one of the smartest, kindest, and most caring women I know. She is strong, resourceful, and fiery.

From today, moving forward, she is now also my daughter-in-law. I’m the luckiest mother-in-law in town!

Through the years, I’ve been witness to the growth and maturation of your relationship. I know your marriage will be happy and healthy because, at its core, you two are each other’s best friends. You make each other laugh, you comfort each other, and you are each other’s number-one fan.

Never forget to nurture the special bond you share. Love each other openly, loudly, and untiringly. That’s all you need.

Everyone, let’s give a round of applause to the newlyweds! 

Final Thoughts

Preparing a wedding speech for your son and daughter-in-law is a fantastic opportunity to let them know how you feel. With authentic and heartfelt words, you can give a speech that they will cherish for a lifetime.