Bachelor Party Scavenger Hunt Ideas (A-Z Planning Guide)

Holding a bachelor party is a way for the groom to celebrate with his closest friends as he prepares to enter a new chapter in his life. Although stereotypically, bachelor parties are visualized as a night out in a bar, there are other activities involved that make the day exhilarating and unforgettable.

A bachelor party often includes a game in its itinerary. Planning for a bachelor party scavenger hunt begins one to two months before the event. During this time, the groom and his best man can deliberate on the rules of the game, the items and tasks to be included in the hunt, the configuration of the players, prizes for the winner, and so on.

Aspects to consider when planning a scavenger hunt and the mechanics of the game are expounded below. A sample list of items is provided to help you come up with your own list. Lastly, some tips to keep in mind while playing the game are enumerated.

Planning the Ultimate Bachelor Party Scavenger Hunt

toast beer

The ideal time to start planning the scavenger hunt — or any game for that matter — is one to two months before the bachelor party. This is to give the groom and the best man enough time to figure out the specifics of the activity, such as how much time the game will take, the rules and guidelines, and bachelor party scavenger hunt ideas to include.

Players and Roles

Everyone invited to the bachelor party is considered a participant in the game. Given that they are typically the organizers of the activity, the groom and the best man may opt to step out of the scavenger hunt. Instead, they can be the arbitrators that will decide if points should be given.

The game can be played individually, in pairs, in threes, or in other group sizes. The configuration of groups will depend on how many players there are, the difficulty of the items, and the groom’s preference.

Duration of the Game

Again, the duration of the game is contingent on how challenging the list of items is. Regardless, you are encouraged to dedicate at least one hour in your itinerary to the scavenger hunt. Not only will this give the players ample time to make a considerable dent in their lists, but it will also ensure their enthusiasm and engagement.

At the end of the allotted time, it is best to set a place where everyone will gather. You can specify a penalty for those who will be late.

Mechanics of the Game

men exploring

Once the timer starts, every player will explore their surroundings and try to check off as many items from the list as possible. Some items on the list require photographic or filmed evidence, such as selfies and video greetings.

When the game is over, players will present their items to the best man and the groom. As mentioned above, the two men will be the arbitrators for the scavenger hunt; they will decide if the items fit the criteria. If so, points will be awarded accordingly.

Inevitably, some of the players will challenge the arbitrators’ decisions; no matter how absurd, they will try to validate their items and receive points. The arbitrators have free will over what receives points and what does not; if they think the presented item does not deserve to be recognized, then their decision is final. Furthermore, if a player presents a duplicate or an item similar to another, it will not be honored.

Winners, Losers, and the In-Betweens

The player or team who gets the highest score wins and receives the grand prize. You may also give a consolation prize to the runners-up to recognize their effort.

The player with the lowest points — or who failed to check off anything in the list — is deemed the loser in the game. You may give them a keepsake that explicitly mentions their loss, such as a shirt with “when you try your best, but you don’t succeed” printed across the front. It is also common practice for the loser to buy a round of drinks for everyone.

Bachelor Party Scavenger Hunt Ideas: List of Items

writing to do list

There are multiple factors to take into consideration when coming up with a list of items for the scavenger hunt. The location of the bachelor party is among the most important to keep in mind. For instance, if it will be a destination bachelor party, such as in Las Vegas, the list would most likely contain items related to nightlife and attractions in the area. If the party will be held outdoors, then items found in nature would fill the list.

Another factor to consider is the weather. If the bachelor party is scheduled for summer, an outdoor scavenger hunt might be too intolerable because of the heat. Oppositely, peak temperatures during winter might make the players cold and unwilling to play. Your best bet would be to hold the scavenger hunt indoors, such as at a mall.

Your guests’ characteristics and traits should also be evaluated. It is a long-held stereotype that bachelor parties tend to become wild; if you know your guests will be comfortable with that, feel free to proceed. However, some guests may end up feeling uncomfortable. Ultimately, a balance must be struck between the groom’s preferences and the participants’ enjoyment.

You can assign a specific number of points to each item, which will be awarded if the player successfully presents the item. The points are directly proportional to the difficulty to procure the item. However, you can also simply have each item correspond to a single point; decide which system will work best for you and your guests.

Here is a sample bachelor party scavenger hunt list of items you can use as a reference in creating your own list.

Easy level: 10 points

  • A postcard
  • A DVD of any Disney movie
  • A physical menu from any restaurant
  • Any workout equipment
  • Anything blue
  • Anything that begins with the letter P
  • Any piece of candy
  • A stuffed toy of the groom’s favorite animal
  • A flyer for any local event
  • A photo of you posing in front of a store
  • Empty box from an Amazon delivery
  • The small umbrella that comes with a drink or cocktail
  • Buy a drink for a random person at the bar
  • Take a picture of graffiti in a restroom
  • A rewards card from any retailer
  • Write the bachelor party hashtag or the couple’s engagement hashtag in a sign

Medium level: 25 points

  • An old picture with the groom
  • Five signatures from women on your shirt
  • A video of a woman saying your bachelor party hashtag
  • Ask a room of people to wish the couple a happy marriage
  • Challenge someone to a dance-off
  • Make a stranger laugh with a dad joke
  • A Gameboy, DS, or any old handheld console
  • A VHS tape
  • A business card or calling card from any professional
  • Calendar from any year before 2010
  • Photobomb a stranger’s selfie
  • Use a pick-up line on a stranger
  • Ask a fireman if you can get on the firetruck
  • Order a cocktail with a sexually explicit name
  • Find money in the streets
  • Take a picture with a white dog
  • Take a picture with a stranger with a cool-looking beard
  • Find a statue and impersonate its pose
  • An empty roll of toilet paper
  • A playbill from any play or musical
  • Drink a cocktail with beer in it
  • Do a slut drop on the dance floor
  • Ask a stranger for some spare change
  • Ask for marriage advice from three married couples
  • A picture of a ring with an inscription

Difficult level: 50 points

  • A video greeting from a man who has the same name as the groom
  • A video greeting from a woman who has the same name as the bride
  • A picture with a police officer
  • A picture with women at a bachelorette party
  • Ask any man with big muscles if he will let you touch his biceps
  • Five selfies with women doing the peace sign
  • Find another groom-to-be at a bachelor party
  • Beat someone in a game of pool
  • Ask someone to give you a piggyback ride
  • Ask someone if they have extra condoms
  • Kiss a bald person on the head
  • Find a random number on a restroom stall and call it
  • Perform a song in front of a crowd
  • Get someone to buy you a drink
  • Take a body shot
  • Have someone take a body shot on you
  • A picture with two people kissing you on the cheek
  • A cardboard cutout (or any standee) of any famous person

Bachelor party scavenger hunt ideas can be modified to better fit the groom’s personality; for instance, if he has a signature pose in front of landmarks, have players emulate that in images. Make sure to include items that are realistic given the party’s location,  its weather, and your guests’ capabilities.

Tips to Keep in Mind

men table

Have Everyone Bring a Bag and a Power Bank

Since the players will be collecting items, whether it be physical or virtual, a bag and a power bank will be useful tools. Items they find can be stored in the bag; a power bank will prevent their phones from running out of battery.

Have Extra Copies of the List

If you decide to distribute printouts of the scavenger hunt list, print additional copies just in case players lose theirs. A well-designed list printed on paper with high quality can also double as a party favor or a memento from the bachelor party.

Be Respectful to Non-Players

As many of the items listed above include the participation of non-players, everyone must be reminded to show respect. They are not just items to check off from your list, they are human beings with boundaries and dignity.

Always ask for their consent, especially for tasks that require physical contact and interaction. Explain that this is part of a bachelor party scavenger hunt. Understandably, some people might feel uncomfortable posing for a picture, taking a video, or receiving a kiss from a stranger. If they express their unwillingness, accept it and move on to the next person.

Personalize the Prize

man holding a trophy

A well-thought and personalized prize is an excellent way to ramp up the participants and get them more engaged. This prize will also serve as a keepsake for your bachelor party.

For the winner, you may procure a trophy and have it inscribed with something along the lines of, “Grand Champion of the [hashtag or name of the bachelor party] Scavenger Hunt – Held [date of the party].” A similar idea is to give the winner — or the top three finishers — a ribbon or medal.

Online Apps and Service Providers

There is software available to make your game of scavenger hunt more convenient. Online apps such as GooseChase, Scavify, and Actionbound allow you to digitalize the list and the gathering process.

In the same vein, there are city-based companies that will plan and organize a scavenger hunt for you. There are companies such as cityHUNT that specialize in catering to bachelor parties.

Leave No Trace

Wherever the scavenger hunt takes the players, they must follow the Leave No Trace policy. Simply put, as much as possible, they must leave the place exactly as they found it. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and picking up the trash they produce. This reminder is especially important for outdoor scavenger hunts.

Final Thoughts

A scavenger hunt is an exciting activity to include in any bachelor party. This game is a way for everyone to bond, have fun, and celebrate the groom’s last moments of being a bachelor.

When considering fun alternatives to the typical bachelor night out, the bachelor scavenger hunt stands out as a memorable choice. The perfect time to start planning for a bachelor party scavenger hunt is one to two months before the event. This will give you ample time to prepare the logistics of the game, the items players will find, the prizes, and other pertinent details.