95 He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game – Questions/Answers

Bridal showers are all about celebrating the bride and helping her prepare for married life. Over the years, wedding- or couple-themed games have become an essential part of the itinerary of a bridal shower.

“He Said She Said” is a fun bridal shower game to test how well the guests know the couple. There are two broad categories of questions you can include in the game: romantic statements, and statements about individual characteristics.

55 game questions are given across two categories. Instructions for facilitating the game are also explained. Moreover, three variations of the “He Said She Said” game are briefly mentioned. Lastly, tips to improve gameplay are enumerated.

How to Facilitate the He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game

facilitator event

Generally, the maid of honor and bridal party are in charge of preparing the questions for the “He Said She Said” game. A close relative of the couple, such as a mother-in-law or a sibling, may also help.

One to two weeks before the party, the event’s planner will approach the couple with a list of “He Said She Said” questions for the bridal shower; the perfect number of questions is around 15. The bride and groom will check the list to see if they are comfortable with the questions. Afterward, they will provide the answers. If the couple disagrees on a certain item, you can mark “both” as the answer.

The entire process can be done through email, but many prefer to record the couple while they give the correct answers to make the game more fun. For the facilitator’s convenience, prepare an answer key containing all of the correct answers.

During the party, cards containing the questions will be passed to each guest, along with a pen or pencil.

A timer is set, typically around three minutes. During this time, the guests will encircle their answers. The answer could be the bride, groom, or both.

Once the timer goes off, the facilitator will give the correct answers. This can be done manually, or by showing the recording of the couple providing the answers.

Guests will exchange game cards to grade each other. Each correct answer corresponds to one point, and whoever gets the most points is the winner of the game. The game may result in multiple winners, so prepare two to three prizes to be safe.

He Said She Said Bridal Shower Game Questions

filling up form

Romantic Statements

Romantic statements encompass everything about the couple’s relationship — their past, present, and future. Questions for the “He Said She Said” game in this category include  who asked the other out, details of their first date, important milestones, and so on. These questions are typically more touching and heartwarming.

  1. I am more hands-on in planning the wedding.
  2. I am the hopeless romantic in the relationship.
  3. I buy flowers every Valentine’s Day.
  4. I changed my relationship status on Facebook first.
  5. I have Pinterest boards of wedding inspiration.
  6. I made the first move.
  7. I met the future in-laws first.
  8. I paid for the first date.
  9. I planned the honeymoon.
  10. I said “I love you” first.
  11. I want the most kids.
  12. I want to have several dogs in our home.
  13. I was the first to have a crush.
  14. I was the one to bring up marriage first.
  15. I was the one to propose.
  16. I will be the first to cry at our wedding.
  17. I think we should renew our vows every 10 years.
  18. I want to travel the world with our partner.
  19. I initiated our first kiss.
  20. I am the more spontaneous one in planning surprise dates.
  21. I am more into couple’s matching outfits.
  22. I remember the exact date of our first kiss.
  23. I believe in love at first sight because of our relationship.
  24. I often surprise the other with breakfast in bed.
  25. I am more excited about the honeymoon destination.
  26. I often reminisce about our early dating days.
  27. I usually plan our date nights.
  28. I think our love story should be turned into a movie.
  29. I am more sentimental about our love letters and gifts.
  30. I often play ‘our song’ just to reminisce.
  31. I would love to write a love letter to our partner every month.
  32. I believe we are soulmates.
  33. I want our love story to be shared with future generations.
  34. I am more likely to plan a surprise romantic getaway.
  35. I am more likely to serenade our partner.
  36. I think we should have an annual photoshoot to capture our love.

Statements About Individual Characteristics

dancing couple

As the name of the category denotes, these questions for the “He Said She Said” game revolve around the features of the bride and the groom. They can be related to their relationship or simply a personality trait. These questions usually elicit more laughter from the crowd.

  1. I am a bit of a hoarder.
  2. I am a massive flirt.
  3. I am bad with directions.
  4. I am better at keeping secrets.
  5. I am better with kids.
  6. I am clumsier.
  7. I am grumpy in the mornings.
  8. I am lazier.
  9. I am more adventurous.
  10. I am more likely to make impulse purchases.
  11. I am more organized.
  12. I am more punctual.
  13. I am more stubborn.
  14. I am pickier when it comes to food.
  15. I am the better cook.
  16. I am the better dancer.
  17. I am the better driver.
  18. I am the bigger spender.
  19. I am the funny one.
  20. I am the one who takes care of the bugs in the house.
  21. I am the perfectionist in the relationship.
  22. I am the workaholic in the relationship.
  23. I apologize first after a fight.
  24. I do most of the household chores.
  25. I get jealous easier.
  26. I handle my alcohol better.
  27. I have a better eye for design.
  28. I have a better memory.
  29. I have better taste in music.
  30. I have more patience.
  31. I hog the covers.
  32. I own more shoes.
  33. I snore louder.
  34. I spend more time on social media.
  35. I stay up longer at night.
  36. I swear more.
  37. I take longer to get ready.
  38. I take more selfies.
  39. I take up all of the space in the bed.
  40. I am the bigger movie buff.
  41. I usually remember important dates like anniversaries and birthdays.
  42. I am the more athletic one.
  43. I am more likely to initiate a spontaneous trip.
  44. I have more quirky habits.
  45. I am the bigger fan of romantic comedies.
  46. I am more into DIY projects.
  47. I am the first one to apologize, even when I’m not at fault.
  48. I am the more health-conscious one.
  49. I have a knack for remembering obscure facts.
  50. I am the better storyteller.
  51. I spend more time reading books.
  52. I am the one more likely to suggest a date night at home.
  53. I have a better singing voice.
  54. I am more likely to try exotic foods.
  55. I am the more tech-savvy one.
  56. I am more of an animal lover.
  57. I am the more outdoorsy type.
  58. I am more likely to initiate game nights with friends.
  59. I have a more extensive collection of hats or caps.

He Said She Said Game – Free PDF Templates

He Said She Said game 1

View Free PDF – Here

He Said She Said game 2

View Free PDF – Here

Variations of the Game

groom suit

How Well Does the Groom Know the Bride?

The groom is given multiple questions about his bride, ranging from personal to romantic. The mechanics of the game is to see if the groom can correctly answer all of the questions. If the guests predict that the bride’s and the groom’s answers will match, they will answer “yes.” Otherwise, they will encircle “no.”

For bridal showers, it is highly recommended to play both “He Said She Said” and this variation of the game. More than providing a lot of entertainment for the guests, this variation is another way of surprising the bride and making her melt.

Here are some sample questions you can use to play this variation of the game:

  • What is her ultimate pet peeve?
  • What is her dream job?
  • What is her favorite book?
  • Who is her celebrity crush?
  • What is one thing that she cannot live without?
  • What is her favorite pizza topping?
  • What habit of yours annoys her the most?
  • Where does she want to live after retiring?
  • What is her favorite movie?
  • What was her favorite subject in high school?
  • In what sport did she want to pursue a professional career?

How Well Does the Bride Know the Groom?

“How well does the groom know the bride?” also known as “What did the groom say?” is played the same way as the previous variation, except the questions are addressed to the bride by changing the pronouns in the questions above.

Who Said It?

Similar to the bride and groom trivia game, the “Who Said It?” variation poses a variety of questions about the couple. The bride and groom will provide their differing answers. The facilitator will choose one of the answers, typically the funnier or more romantic one, and read it to the guests. They will then have to guess who gave that answer: was it the bride or the groom?

Here are some sample questions for the “Who Said It?” variation:

  • Where is your favorite location for a vacation?
  • How many kids do you plan on having?
  • If given the chance to meet any celebrity, who would it be?
  • What was your dream job as a child?
  • If you were to be stranded on a deserted island and can only bring one item, what would it be and why?
  • What was your first impression of the other?
  • What do you think made your partner fall in love with you?
  • What complaint do you have after living with your partner?
  • If you had all the money in the world, where would you elope and why?
  • How would you best describe your relationship?
  • What is your favorite thing about your partner?

Additional Tips to Remember

Assign Roles to Various People

To ensure smooth gameplay, you can enlist the help of multiple people in facilitating different aspects of the game. Here are some tasks you can assign:

  • Producing the game cards. You can either design the layout yourself or buy pre-made sheet cards like this one from Amazon
  • Distributing the game cards and the pens
  • Operating the pertinent devices, such as speakers, laptops, projectors, and so on
  • Keeping track of the winners and handing them the prize
  • Answering questions the guests might have

Set Aside a Special Prize

bridal bouquet

As mentioned earlier, the guest with the most points will win a prize. You can hit two birds with one stone and give the garter or the bridal bouquet as the prize. Doing this will put a modern and personal twist on the tradition. Additionally, if you find one or both traditions antiquated or simply not your style, this is an excellent alternative.

Utilize Materials with Good Quality

Some types of paper tear or smudge more easily. Moreover, the ink in cheap pens might dry or clog more quickly. With that said, you must opt for materials of good quality. Though this may cost you a little more than buying lower-priced materials, guests are less likely to accidentally rip their game cards or ruin their pens.

In the same vein, make sure to test the pens before distributing them to your guests; double-check if they are functional. In a pack of pens, some may have dried up or clogged because of several factors.

Use Digital Platforms

If your venue has good Wi-Fi connectivity and you have the equipment needed, you can digitalize the “he said she said game.” Platforms such as Kahoot, Mentimeter, and Ahaslides are suitable for bridal shower games.

There are multiple advantages to going digital: firstly, you can save money on materials such as game cards and pens; you will produce less waste, given that you will not be utilizing paper; everyone is more likely to be engaged; and facilitation of the game will be easier overall because of the built-in features of the aforementioned platforms, such as timers and scoreboards.

However, you must keep in mind that digital platforms also have disadvantages: the Wi-Fi might be too slow; not all guests might have a smartphone; and not all guests are familiar with these platforms and might find them confusing.

Your Guests Matter

With every decision, you must consider the guests that will be attending. If your guests include children and the elderly, it is best to exclude raunchy and sexually suggestive questions.

The same goes for the layout of the game card: if you know some of your guests have eyesight issues, make the necessary adjustments (e.g., enlarging the font). To reiterate, your older guests might not be well-versed in using their smartphones — if they have smartphones in the first place.

Final Thoughts

“He Said She Said” is an entertaining and touching bridal shower game that quizzes the guests about the couple’s relationship and their dynamics, ultimately helping the guests learn more about the couple. The questions in this game can be broadly categorized into two groups: romantic statements and statements about individual characteristics.