25 Dirty Bachelorette Games: Risqué Fun for Your Party

Bachelorette parties are all about gathering your closest friends, getting to know them better, and having the get-together of your lives. The itinerary of bachelorette parties varies a lot, but you can always expect at least one game to be included.

Some dirty bachelorette games you can include in your celebrations are Pin the Junk on the Hunk, R-Rated Charades, Bachelorette Bingo, Risqué Relay Race, and Bra Pong.

Below are 20 more games, with explanations on how to facilitate each game and add twists to them.

Dirty Bachelorette Games to Spice Up Your Ladies’ Night

women clinking glasses

1. Pin the Junk on the Hunk

Nothing is a more quintessentially dirty game for bachelorette parties than Pin the Junk on the Hunk. Moreover, this game is a fantastic icebreaker for your guests who might still feel shy around each other.

Order a game set online, which includes a poster of a naked man you can hang on the wall, phallic stickers, and blindfolds for the players. The player must then place the sticker on the anatomically correct spot.

You can add challenges to make the game more entertaining. For instance, you can do it once everyone is tipsy, or you can have everyone spin several times before making them go to the poster.

2. Confession or Concoction

If you want a game that straddles the line between reality and fiction, Confession or Concoction is a thrilling choice.

Have the players sit in a circle. The first person leans over to whisper something to the player on their left—it can be a naughty secret or an enticing, realistic lie. That player has to guess out loud if what they heard was real or fake.

If the player guesses correctly, it is their turn to whisper something to the person on their left. Otherwise, they have to take a shot of their drink.

3. Naughty Pictionary

A risqué twist on a classic game, naughty Pictionary is a dirty bachelorette game that will get everyone doubling over in laughter.

To play the game, the host has to prepare a set of dirty words on small strips of paper. Afterward, these strips of paper are placed in a container. Each player takes one strip, looks at the word, and must draw it accurately enough that other players can guess the word.

You may want to prepare at least one dry-erase board and a set of markers with different colors.

4. Guess the Lingerie

Prior to the bachelorette party, ask your guests to bring a piece of new, unwrapped lingerie that reflects their character and personality. The facilitator of the game takes the lingerie and hangs them up.

The bride-to-be must guess which player brought the lingerie, explaining her thought process. This will test how well she knows her guests, making everyone laugh as she does so.

After the game, the bride-to-be gets to keep the lingerie as gifts.

5. Bachelorette Bingo

This dirty bachelorette party game takes a classic and adds an excitingly risqué twist to it. Bachelorette Bingo involves custom cards that are filled with various bachelorette party stereotypes, such as:

  • Flirt with a stranger
  • Drink at least three cocktails
  • Dance on top of a bar

Throughout the night, bachelorettes have to perform the tasks—or witness them happening—before putting a mark on their card. If possible, ask them to take a video or picture as proof.

The first bachelorette to create a pattern on their card—or complete a blackout—wins a special prize at the end of the night.

6. Five-Minute Sculptures

Test the artistic skills and craftiness of your guests with this unique dirty bachelorette game. Five-Minute Sculptures, as the game’s name suggests, tasks players with creating adult-themed objects using clay.

After five minutes, the bride-to-be goes around and judges the creations. The most hilarious, creative, or absurd—you decide what criterion you want to use—product wins the game.

7. Pass the Passion

A naughty take on ‘Pass the Parcel,’ Pass the Passion involves players sitting in a circle, passing a racy novelty item or anything phallic around while music plays in the background. Once the music stops, whoever is holding the item must perform a dare.

8. “Bridin’ Dirty” Box Game

Bridin’ Dirty is a box game that consists of three sets of cards: 50 talk cards, 50 drink cards, and 50 dare cards. Each type of card can be used for different scenarios.

The ‘talk’ cards are perfect icebreakers at the beginning of your bachelorette party. They provide talking points for your guests, taking away the need for small talk and the pressure of coming up with questions.

The ‘drink’ cards are self-explanatory: they are different ways to get alcohol in your system without feeling shy about it.

The ‘dare’ cards contain different tasks that you must do, making this set an excellent companion to other dirty bachelorette games. For instance, you can have the person holding the ‘passion’ in Pass the Passion take a card from this pile.

9. Unwrap the Toy

Wrap a bunch of adult toys in multiple layers of gift paper. Afterward, have each guest pick a wrapped gift.

Each player has to remove the wrapper using only their teeth and one hand. Afterward, they must explain what they think the toy does.

To make this naughty game for bachelorette parties even more entertaining, have the players pretend they are in an infomercial, trying to sell you the product.

10. Kiss and Tell

Provide lipstick for each player—doubling as a great bachelorette party favor—and ask them to put it on for this game. Afterward, ask them to leave a kiss mark on a large piece of paper or cloth.

The bride-to-be has to guess which kiss mark belongs to which player. If she guesses correctly, the player has to drink. Oppositely, if she guesses incorrectly, she has to take a shot.

After the game, you can have everyone write their names below their kiss marks and ask them to write a short dedication. This makes it a quirky and memorable keepsake.

11. R-Rated Charades

Another classic game with a risqué twist, R-Rated Charades involves the players miming different suggestive pop culture references—be it movie titles, song lyrics, quotes, and so on. The player can only use gestures to make other people guess. Some examples include:

  • I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage (from WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion)
  • Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist (from Deepthroat by CupcakKe)
  • My coconuts, watch ’em bounce up and down (from Coconuts by Kim Petras)
  • The Harder They Come (a 1972 film)
  • Free Willy (a 1993 film)
  • The Banger Sisters (a 2002 film)

12. Scavenger Hunt

Modify your scavenger hunt card to include adult-themed items and risqué tasks. You can play this individually, in pairs, or groups. The mechanics are the same as in the classic game. Some examples of changes you can make to the items and tasks include:

  • A condom (bonus points if you ask a random man for one)
  • Take a selfie with a shirtless man
  • Take a selfie while kissing a man on the cheek

13. Pin a Kiss on the Stud

If you want a tamer version of ‘Pin the Junk on the Hunk,’ Pin a Kiss on the Stud fits the bill. Instead of phallic stickers, you can give your players stickers of kiss marks. While blindfolded, they have to place the sticker as close to the man’s lips as possible.

14. Dirty Mad Libs

In a game of mad libs, the facilitator of the game reads a story out loud wherein certain words are omitted. The players have to supply the missing word.

As a naughty bachelorette party game, the story itself can be raunchy. Likewise, the facilitator of the game can encourage everyone to give the dirtiest—and funniest—answers they can think of.

15. Two Truths and a Lie

Each player must say three statements to the entire group—two of which are true, and one of which is false. The other players must guess which statement is false. To make the game more entertaining, have each guest explain why they answered that way.

16. Spin the Bottle

For slumber party-themed bachelorette parties, Spin the Bottle is a wonderful homage to your childhood and teenage days. As a dirty bachelorette party game, you can ask risqué questions or have the player do naughty dares.

17. Bachelorette Jenga

Another classic game with a fun twist, Bachelorette Jenga is just like the original game. However, each block has writings or inscriptions that dictate specific actions that players must perform.

18. Guess the Ex

Before the party, ask the players to share their funniest—or most awkward—anecdotes about their exes. A host then reads each anecdote to the bride-to-be, and she has to guess who gave the anecdote.

If she guesses correctly, the person has to take a shot. She can also elaborate on the anecdote if she wants to. Alternatively, if the bride-to-be guesses incorrectly, she has to drink.

19. Guess the Hunk

Over the years, the bride-to-be may have had crushes on various celebrities and artists. The facilitator of the game gets a list of names, searches for pictures on the Internet, and prepares a slideshow presentation.

However, the picture cannot show the famous person’s face. The challenge is for players to guess who the celebrity is with only a part of their body—be it hands, legs, abs, and whatnot. The player with the most points wins the game.

20. Never Have I Ever

If you want a low-key, low-energy, but still highly entertaining game, Never Have I Ever is an excellent and versatile choice. This dirty bachelorette game fits any theme, such as a lesbian bachelorette party, cowgirl-themed, and so on.

All the rules are the same as the original, but the statements are all raunchy and racy. Players have to take a shot every time a statement applies to them.

21. Risqué Relay Race

Oppositely, if you want an active, high-energy game, consider organizing a relay race. This naughty bachelorette party game requires a lot of space, so you may want to play it in your backyard bachelorette party.

Instead of a traditional baton or stick, have the players pass along an adult-themed toy. This will make for an entertaining game.

22. Sex Ed Trivia Game

This risqué bachelorette party game is for the nerdy and competitive crowd. Sex Ed Trivia Game contains questions all about sex: biological, cultural, scientific, and so on. This trivia game will test your guests’ intelligence and knowledge of this human activity.

You can divide your guests into teams or pairs, or they can play individually. Moreover, you can go the traditional route by printing out a list of questions, giving everyone dry-erase boards, and tallying their scores.

However, there are online platforms that make playing trivia games easy and seamless. Explore Kahoot, Mentimeter, and other options.

23. Strip Poker

Perhaps the naughtiest game on this list, Strip Poker is played like traditional poker, but the player with the losing hand has to take off an article of clothing after the round.

Before starting the game, check with your guests about how they feel. Tell them that they only have to take off accessories, such as hairclips, jewelry, shoes, and so on. However, if it makes them too uncomfortable, consider choosing a different dirty game for bachelorette parties.

24. Girls Just Wanna Get Crunk

Another exciting card game, Girls Just Wanna Get Crunk contains five different decks of cards, all with different dares, challenges, questions, and so on. Players have to roll a die and choose the card that corresponds with the result.

You can use these cards with other games as a forfeit. For instance, the first person to put down all their fingers in a game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ must take a card from the decks.

25. Bra Pong

The dirty bachelorette party game equivalent of ‘Beer Pong,’ Bra Pong is an innovative and fun game that will bring out everyone’s competitive nature.

The host of the game has to take several pairs of bras and hang them on a board, with enough space between the cups and the surface for a ping pong ball to fit in. Players have to stand at least five feet away and throw the ball into the bra.

Final Thoughts

You know your guests best. Before choosing which game to include in your itinerary, consider how they might feel about playing them. Understand that some games might make them uncomfortable.

You might not figure this out until midway through your bachelorette party when you are just starting to play the game. In this case, it may be handy to have a backup game or two, so that no one feels left out or forced to play.